What happens if obnoxious mosquitoes disappear completely on Earth?
Mosquitoes, small but extremely dangerous, are the cause of malaria infection, killing 247 million people worldwide each year. So, if this dangerous creature disappears completely on Earth, what will happen, will there be serious consequences like other creatures?
- List of the most dangerous insects in the world
- On the list of "horror" mosquitoes, they don't bother to suck human blood
What happens if obnoxious mosquitoes disappear completely on Earth? Picture 1
Any extinct creature on Earth causes consequences that are not small for the ecosystem, and so do mosquitoes.
The place with the most mosquitoes on Earth is the original areas of the Arctic. Here, you can be extremely rare, there are times when mosquitoes move into dark clouds from northern Canada to Russia. Here, mosquito eggs will hatch after the snow melts and then matures within 3-4 weeks.
What happens if obnoxious mosquitoes disappear completely on Earth? Picture 2
In this cold land, large numbers of mosquitoes play an important role. According to experts, if mosquitoes in the Arctic disappear, the amount of migratory birds here will decrease by at least 50%, the ecosystem will also change completely.
In nature, mosquitoes are a food source with many other organisms. That's why if mosquitoes and mosquito larvae completely disappear, many animals will have to change their diets, of course including species born only to kill mosquitoes like mosquitoes (mosquitofish, good). Gambusia fish). This will cause the number of fish, birds or reptiles to decline.
However, biologists and ecologists argue that the consequence of the extinction of mosquitoes is not likely to be worrying and the extent of this effect is acceptable. According to them, species that rely on food sources for mosquitoes will quickly switch to another insect, which will grow massively after the mosquito disappears.
In fact, scientists have been debating whether or not to keep mosquitoes for decades.
One side said that mosquitoes play an important role, especially for global aquatic systems. Since 1974, studies have shown that mosquito larvae in water will stimulate microbial life, create nutrition, thereby stimulating the growth of plants.
What happens if obnoxious mosquitoes disappear completely on Earth? Picture 3
In addition, mosquitoes also play an important role in the pollination of some plant species, including cocoa. "Without mosquitoes, the world doesn't have a piece of chocolate to eat," says Dina Fonseca, an evolutionary biologist at Rutger University.
The other party advocating the elimination of mosquitoes suggests that other species can replace the benefits of mosquitoes. For example, pollination issues, insects, other organisms will support plants in nature to do that. As for plants grown by humans such as cocoa, it is not a problem, because we will have methods to replace mosquitoes such as mini airplanes.
According to them, all the mosquitoes may be able to replace other creatures except the ability to kill people only a few times to suck blood is not only. So, eliminating mosquito worms globally is a good thing to do.
What happens if obnoxious mosquitoes disappear completely on Earth? Picture 4
Millions of people will be rescued each year if the mosquito is completely destroyed, along with health, hospital, and drug burdens. According to WHO calculations, in many regions such as sub-Saharan Africa can recover at least 1.3% of GDP.
However, no matter what the outcome of this controversy is, it is not an important issue because people do not yet have any methods to effectively kill mosquitoes. Many species have become extinct due to human unintentional actions, but we still cannot significantly influence this annoying and deadly insects.
Probably, people still hesitate to kill mosquitoes, even though they know there will be other creatures to replace mosquitoes, but no one knows that they will be more friendly or dangerous killers than mosquitoes. .
What do you think about the eradication of hateful mosquitoes on Earth, and should this be good or not?
You should read it
- Malaria parasites die quickly in blue dyes
- How to diagnose, treat and prevent malaria
- 10 interesting things about mosquitoes, the smallest but most dangerous insects on the planet
- A simple trap can kill quickly, compact 4,000 mosquitoes every night anyone can do it at home
- Scientists are about to teach mosquitoes without human blood
- How to repel mosquitoes, killing mosquitoes in the bedroom effectively, non-toxic
- How do foreigners find and kill mosquitoes buzzing in the bedroom?
- The list of 'horror' mosquitoes does not bother to suck human blood
- Female mosquitoes are too 'smart' to refuse to 'fall in love' with genetically engineered male mosquitoes, attempting to destroy the pathetically failed mosquitoes
- A guide to making mosquito traps super effective
- What color clothes are most susceptible to mosquito bites?
- Use mosquito repellent materials available, safe for families
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