These 3 inspirational videos will 'save' you when you want to give up all

Watch them when you need something to regain your faith and energy. Never be subdued if there is still a ray of hope, even if only very small.

1. "Be Phenomenal" - Become a phenomenon

This video helps you realize that life, no one is perfect and you don't need to be perfect to get what you want. You are a phenomenon. You yourself attract opportunities and good things to you. Never accept to let others control your life or sacrifice for something you don't want."There are many people who feel comfortable . They stop developing . They don't crave anything anymore . They become satisfied . They are willing to do the work they don't like - things that make them bored . Think big, dream big and start with small actions . There is no concept of a suitable time in life to do something big TB . If you are still waiting for that perfect moment . then that moment will never happen . You have to start saying YES to your life. First say YES to your dream ".

"So a lot of people become comfortable . They stop growing, They stop wanting anything . They become satisfied . People getting ready to go to jo bs that they don't like, jobs are making them SICK. . Think BIG, Dream BIG but start small . There will never be a point in your life . where's the right time . to do a great thing . If you are waiting for that perfect perfect moment . That perfect tim . isn't going to happen . You gotta start Saying yes to your life . You gotta start Saying yes to your dreams . "

2. "Dream" - Dream

"There are times when you doubt yourself. You say: God, why, why does that happen to you? I am trying to take care of my mother and my children. I am not trying to steal or rob How does it come to you? Because there will be extremely harsh times coming, so don't give up your dreams. If you want to be more successful, if you want to have and do things you have never done before, I ask you, invest in yourself.

"Khi hiện thời khi bạn không thể xác thực. You said God, Why, Why do you happen to? anybody. How does this happen? Don't give up on your dream. The rough times are gonna come, but they don't come to stay, they have come to pass. If you want to be more successful, if you want to and do you don't done before, I'm asking you, to Invest in you! To Invest in you! "

3. "Unbroken" - Unable to subdue

This is one of the best inspirational videos that quotes Steve Jobs's speech at the Stanford University Graduation Ceremony in 2015: "Your time is limited so don't waste your life living a life. others, don't get caught up in dogma - because if that means you are living with what they have prepared for you, don't let the voices of others overwhelm the voice within you. Find what you crave, this also applies to the work and the people you love.The work will take a large part of your life and the only way to get real satisfaction, is to do what you do Believe it's a great job, and the only way to do a great thing is to love b n do. If still not found, continue to find and do not stop. Be brave heart and listen to intuition. Somehow, they know you really want to become something. "

"Your time is limited, So don't waste it living someone else's life, Don't be trapped by dogma, Which is with the results of other people's thinking, Don't let the noise of other opinions drown out your own inner You have to find what you love, that is true for works, as it is for your lovers, your work is gonna fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied, Is to do what you believe is great work, And the only way to do a great work, Is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, Keep looking and don't settle, Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, Có nào, đã biết, What bạn muốn muốn biết ".

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