The world's 'stupid' bird, at the moment of life and death it 'loses its memory'

There are some birds that cannot fly even though they have wings. One of them is the Kakapo and most of them live in New Zealand.

Although called Kakapo parrots, their appearance and habits are more like owls than like other parrots. They also come out at night.

The world's 'stupid' bird, at the moment of life and death it 'loses its memory' Picture 1The world's 'stupid' bird, at the moment of life and death it 'loses its memory' Picture 1

Most birds have slender bodies because they need to keep their bodies light in order to fly. But the kakapo cannot fly and does not need to keep its body fit, so its body is quite plump, its weight is the highest among birds. When it walks, its body sways, which is very cute.

The reason kakapos can't fly is because their wings are relatively short and they lack the spines that control a bird's flight muscles. So their wings can only be used for balance or to provide some support when jumping from trees.

The world's 'stupid' bird, at the moment of life and death it 'loses its memory' Picture 2The world's 'stupid' bird, at the moment of life and death it 'loses its memory' Picture 2

Because they cannot fly, the kakapo has a unique ability to camouflage itself. The kakapo's fur color matches the color of the tree, allowing it to camouflage itself by standing still in the tree until its predators leave.

The kakapo's leg muscles are so developed that they can even climb trees using their feet. But when in a tree, if they are in danger, they forget that they cannot fly and flap their wings desperately. This often causes them to fall out of the tree and get injured or even die. This is one reason why they are considered the dumbest birds!

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