The world's largest cyber attack service, collapsed, the world's largest website for denial of service (DDoS) attacks, has caused more than 4 million network attacks to be knocked down., the world's largest website for denial of service (DDoS) attacks, has caused more than 4 million network attacks to be knocked down.

This site is a cybercrime platform for attacks on online websites or services worldwide. Police in 12 countries have knocked out the world's largest cyber attack platform and confiscated Webstresser's infrastructure in the United States, Britain and the Netherlands.

The world's largest cyber attack service, collapsed Picture 1The world's largest cyber attack service, collapsed Picture 1 sells software capable of causing major disruptions to any system, through distributed denial of service (DDoS) tactics. When attacked, websites and online services are denied access because internet servers are overloaded because they have to meet too many accesses in a short period of time.

The world's largest cyber attack service, collapsed Picture 2The world's largest cyber attack service, collapsed Picture 2

Webstresser was identified as the culprit causing a series of attacks on the UK's seven largest banks in 11/2017, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses due to the temporary closure of the system to overcome.

According to statistics, 43% of businesses and 19% of charities were attacked in the fourth quarter of 2017 out of more than 1,500 companies and over 500 charities in the UK.

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