The United States plans to produce a supercomputer called Discovery, 3-5 times more powerful than today's fastest supercomputer.

The race to develop the fastest supercomputer has been heating up for many years with impressive achievements that technology powers have continuously reaped.

Recently, the US Department of Energy (DOE) officially launched a mission to develop the world's fastest supercomputer called 'Discovery', which is said to be 3 to 5 times more powerful than 'Discovery'. the current monster' Frontier. Production of the new supercomputer is expected to be completed by the end of 2027 or early 2028.

Currently, the world's fastest supercomputer Frontier is located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee state), which can produce a theoretical performance of 1.3ExaFLOPS. Frontier owns up to 8,699,904 cores and is currently holding the No. 1 position in the world's top 500 supercomputers as of May 2022.

The United States plans to produce a supercomputer called Discovery, 3-5 times more powerful than today's fastest supercomputer. Picture 1The United States plans to produce a supercomputer called Discovery, 3-5 times more powerful than today's fastest supercomputer. Picture 1

However, those impressive numbers will certainly be eclipsed when Discovery launches. This new supercomputer project is said to be able to reach a theoretical performance of 6.5ExaFLOPS, setting a new level of tremendous power that a computer system can reach.

According to the plan, Discovery, when put into operation, will undertake the task of handling advanced tasks, including AI and machine learning, climate change, nuclear and green energy solutions. while still ensuring delivers significantly better energy efficiency than its predecessors.

Director of the ORNL Computer and Computational Sciences Laboratory, Georgia Tourassi, which is responsible for developing Discovery, said: 'Discovery will enable the scientific community to simulate the real world with new levels of detail. . In other words, supercomputers will help us study challenging problems that cannot be easily discovered by experimentation, observation or theory alone.

News about the Discovery project came at a time when there were rumors that China was developing a supercomputer that was also very powerful, surpassing Frontier 3-4 times in performance. No related details have been revealed yet.

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