The 'stupidest' animal in the world, IQ is so low that it is about to become extinct, experts 'tried their best'

In this natural world, there are all kinds of creatures living, they form a complex food web with our ecological environment, and we humans are at the top of the food chain.

In fact, the creatures at the top of the food chain all benefit: The intelligence quotients of different species are also different, but there is a species of creature so stupid that it is about to go extinct, which can be said to be unprecedented. Have. What's happening?

The 'stupidest' animal in the world, IQ is so low that it is about to become extinct, experts 'tried their best' Picture 1The 'stupidest' animal in the world, IQ is so low that it is about to become extinct, experts 'tried their best' Picture 1

This type of animal is a beaver, a type of mammal that mainly exists in Europe, likes to live along river banks in cold temperate and subarctic forests, eats tree branches and bark, has It can be said that its combat effectiveness is very poor. Its ability is to be good at diving in water. Generally, it only appears at night. Its greatest ability is probably to build dams.

They use their long, sharp teeth to cut down trees and then continue to disintegrate the trunk into many small pieces so they can easily be carried back to the place where they need to build their nest. They will stack these logs on top of each other until they create a dam. But their work doesn't stop there, after that they also have to dig a cave to shelter and store food for the long winter.

In August of this year, beavers began to die continuously. For this reason, ecologists began to research.

Ecologists began to conduct on-site investigations into the cause of their death. After many investigations, they came to a very strange conclusion, that they were "killed" by tree trunks. Beavers have the ability to gnaw tree trunks very strongly, their incisors are chiseled, when gnawing these trees randomly, when gnawing trees they go in circles, to the point where it is completely impossible to see which direction the tree falls, so These beavers were crushed to death by the tree.

This may be something that no one can think of. It's simply killing yourself. Maybe the tree will say that this is your first action.

It is not a natural disaster or a man-made disaster. How do you view this problem? Do you think it has a low IQ?

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