Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet

Manchineel tree is also called Hippomane mancinella, dubbed the dead tree by carrying in its terrible toxin type that people must attach warning labels should stand away from trees 6m, not eat and avoid to plastic of this plant stick to the skin.

Manchineel tree is also known as Hippomane mancinella, dubbed the "dead tree species" due to its kind of horrible toxin that makes people have to attach warning labels to stand away from trees 6m, do not eat fruit and avoid plastic species of the species This tree sticks to the skin.

The world's most exclusive species is found in the Caribbean and Bahamas of the United States, and is considered to be an effective barrier to this sea.

Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet Picture 1Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet Picture 1

The Manchineel tree has a large canopy, reaching a height of 25m. Its fruit is round, apple-like, blue and when ripe turns red-yellow.

All parts of plants such as shells, leaves, plastic and fruits contain toxins. It is a mixed toxin consisting of hippomanin A and B and many other toxins not yet identified.

The plastic of the Manchineel tree is white and is extremely toxic. Just stick a drop of this plastic, the skin can be blisters, causing inflammation and burns. There have been many cases, passersby accidentally stood under the shade of trees and fell into the tree, causing severe burns.

The fruit of the Manchineel tree was dubbed the manzanita de la muerte, in Spanish, meaning " dead little apple ". Its appearance is quite similar to that of a coconut but only about 5 cm large. They have a sweet taste but if you eat it you will have stomach pain, vomiting, internal bleeding, gastrointestinal damage and possibly death. In addition, the fruit of this world's most poisonous plant can cause cancer, promoting the development of benign and malignant tumors.

Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet Picture 2Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet Picture 2

Manchineel bark also contains toxins, if burning wood of this tree will cause temporary blind smoke.

It is because of these dangers that not only humans but also other organisms such as birds, squirrels and fruit animals must also stay away from the most terrible plants in this plant kingdom.

In 1521, against the Spanish invasion, the locals soaked Manchineel in the arrow, no one survived the poison.

Jonk, an English explorer who deliberately ate a ripe Manchineel. Immediately he had a burning mouth feeling like he wanted to burn, his limbs fell apart . and immediately the explorer was taken to an emergency.

Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet Picture 3Not only people but even animals do not dare to array to the unique tree species on this planet Picture 3

Currently, scientists have yet to find a "rival" on the same level as the Manchineel in terms of the amount of toxins and the ability to "destroy" in the plant world.

Although it is a poisonous plant, if using the Machineel tree properly, it also offers certain benefits. With the ecosystem, Manchineel trees act as windbreakers and prevent natural erosion.

The poison of the Machineel plant is used in scientific research to create new breakthroughs such as finding safe pesticides or analgesics .

For hundreds of years, indigenous people in South America have carefully cut wood and dried Machineel trees in the sun to neutralize toxins. The fruit of the Manchineel tree when dried can make diuretics, pus flowing from the bark can cure edema.

Today, only the planned areas, away from residential areas, can grow Manchineel trees to avoid the risk of strong winds or big storms that can spread to people living nearby.

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