The phone speaker is noisy, just a simple cleaning tip that won't cost you money

Regularly applying these cleaning tips will help improve the sound quality of your phone. Furthermore, regular cleaning also helps your device last longer.

There are many reasons why the phone speaker is small and noisy. Most of the causes usually come from hardware, but some errors originate from software. For example, dust and dirt creeping in and clogging the speaker membrane also cause the phone to emit sound that is not as standard or clear as when it was first purchased.

The phone speaker is noisy, just a simple cleaning tip that won't cost you money Picture 1The phone speaker is noisy, just a simple cleaning tip that won't cost you money Picture 1

Phone speakers that are noisy due to dust can be fixed in the following simple way:

Be prepared:

Specialized phone and computer cleaning kit.

Cotton wool or clean soft towel.

Alcohol or phone cleaning solution.

Mini vacuum cleaner for phones and computers.

Cleaning methods:

Use soft materials to clean the speakers: iPhone speakers are usually located on the left and right of the charging port, and for Android phones like Samsung, OPPO or Xiaomi, the speakers will be located on the right or left of the charging port. You can use soft materials such as cotton swabs to gently swirl the speaker strips to remove dirt. If you have a soft bristle brush, you can brush it up and down, back and forth to clean more dust.

You can saturate the cleaning tool with alcohol to wipe dust more cleanly, but be careful not to absorb too much alcohol or it will cause moisture. After cleaning, leave the phone in a cool place, let the alcohol evaporate, then restart the phone.

Use tape: Tape is a smart way to stick to dust. Twist the tape into a cylinder, remember to leave the sticky side out to slide it into the phone speaker hole. Dust particles will stick to the surface of the tape and when you pull the tape out, you will pull the dust out with it. If the speaker is still not clean, do this a few times. Invest in an air spray bottle to blow away dirt: A compressed air bottle with a suction tube will help blow away dust and dirt from the phone speaker. If your family has many phones and you don't want to take them out to the store, you can choose to buy dust blowers at electronics or stationery stores. Before using an air sprayer, you should check the air tank by pointing it down and pressing the air spray. Once you are sure, start blowing 3 to 4 streams of air into the speaker slot to clean.

When performing this operation, do not place the spray tube too close to the tubes. Leave a moderate distance to avoid strong pressure on the device, which can affect the components in the machine.

Audio software

In addition to physical and mechanical effects, you can also use phone speaker cleaning software such as Speaker Cleaner, Sonic or Frequency Sound Generator. Applications that help clean Samsung and iPhone phone speakers are all developed on mobile devices or smart watches. These applications can help users clean and reduce speaker noise in seconds.

To make the phone's speaker and sound clearer, after cleaning the speaker hole, you should also clean the headphone jack to improve the sound experience.

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