The bootcfg rmsw command in Windows

The bootcfg rmsw command removes the operating system load options for a specified operating system entry.

Applies to: Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012.

The bootcfg rmsw command removes the operating system load options for a specified operating system entry.


 bootcfg / rmsw [/ s [/ u [/ p]]] [/ mm] [/ bv] [/ so] [/ ng] / id 


Parameter Description / s Specifies the name or IP address of the remote computer (do not use a backslash). The default is the local computer. / u Run the command with the user account specified after the sign. Default is the current user login rights on the computer that is issuing the command. / p Specifies the password for the user account specified in the / u parameter . / mm Delete the / maxmem option and its associated maximum memory value from the specified value. The / maxmem option specifies the maximum amount of RAM the operating system can use. / bv Delete the / basevideo option from the specified option. The / basevideo option instructs the operating system to use standard VGA mode for installed video drivers. / so Remove options / sos from the specified object. The / sos option indicates the operating system displays device driver names while they are being loaded. / ng Remove the / noguiboot option from the specified object. The / noguiboot option to disable the progress bar appears before the prompt CTRL + ALT + del logon. / id Specifies the operating system input line number in the [operating systems] section of the Boot.ini file from which the operating system load option is removed. The first line follows the [operating systems] section header which is 1 . /? Show help at the command prompt.

For example

The following examples show how you can use the bootcfg / rmsw command:

 bootcfg / rmsw / mm 64 / id 2 
bootcfg / rmsw / so / id 3
bootcfg / rmsw / so / ng / s srvmain / u hiropln / id 2
bootcfg / rmsw / ng / id 2
bootcfg / rmsw / mm 96 / ng / s srvmain / u maindomhiropln / pp @ ssW23 / id 2

See more:

  1. The bootcfg command copies in Windows
  2. The bootcfg raw command in Windows
  3. The bootcfg query command in Windows
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