The bitsadmin geterrorcount command and bitsadmin getfilestotal in Windows
The bitadmin geterrorcount command retrieves the number of times the specified task has generated a temporary error. The bitsadmin getfilestotal command retrieves the number of files in the specified task.
The bitadmin geterrorcount command retrieves the number of times the specified task has generated a temporary error. The bitsadmin getfilestotal command retrieves the number of files in the specified task.
The bitsadmin geterrorcount command and bitsadmin getfilestotal in Windows
- Bitsadmin geterrorcount command
- Syntax
- Parameters
- For example
- Bitsadmin getfilestotal command
- Syntax
- Parameters
- For example
Bitsadmin geterrorcount command
bitsadmin / GetErrorCount
ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUID.For example
The following example retrieves the error number information for the task named myDownloadJob.
C:> bitsadmin / GetErrorCount myDownloadJob
Bitsadmin getfilestotal command
bitsadmin / GetFilesTotal
ParameterDescriptionJob Display name of the task or GUID.For example
The following example retrieves the number of files included in the task named myDownloadJob.
C:> bitsadmin / GetFilesTotal myDownloadJob
See more:
- Command bitsadmin addfileset in Windows
- Bitsadmin addfile command in Windows
- The bcdedit command in Windows
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