The most searched countries on Google

Infographic of the most searched countries on Google according to Google Trends data.

Google is currently the search engine with the most usage on the Internet, accounting for about 90%. Recently, Google Trends has provided statistics on the countries most searched for information by Internet users in the world during the 18 years since officially operated until now (since 2004). until 2022). Accordingly, people around the world tend to search for information about countries such as the US, France, Russia, India, Japan, Germany, UK.

Below is an Infographic of the most searched countries on Google according to Google Trends data. The arrow shows the tendency to search for information about that country.

The most searched countries on Google Picture 1The most searched countries on Google Picture 1

This Google study only looked at user interest in other countries, queries from countries searching for themselves were not included in the data.

The size of each country's circle is scaled proportionally to that country's search interest, meaning that the larger the circle, the more countries pointing to it (and searching for it). ).

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the United States is the country with the most Google searches. Not only is the United States searched for from neighboring countries like Canada and Mexico, it also tops searches in countries much farther away like Nigeria, Sweden and Australia.

Surprisingly, China, the world's second largest economy and most populous, has very little search interest from other countries.

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