The most impressive cosmic images 2019
In 2019, scientists recorded many impressive moments of the universe. Here are the most impressive cosmic images in 2019, invite you to admire.
Cosmic black hole (April)
For the first time, an Event group of international researchers has captured images of black holes in the center of galaxy M87.
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 1
Interstellar object (October)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 2
Omuamua, the cigar-shaped object, though first discovered in 2017, is still a mystery to scientists. Because of its strange orbit, scientists cannot determine whether this object is a meteorite or a comet.
Fall into darkness (January)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 3
This is a picture depicting the entire lunar eclipse event created by a combination of 35 photos taken with different exposures. László Francsics, a Hungarian photographer who made this magical photo and won the contest "The most beautiful astronomical photos of 2019".
Total solar eclipse (July)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 4
The moment when astronomers are watching the total solar eclipse occurred on July 2, in the southern Pacific region, central Chile and Argentina.
Hygiea dwarf planet (October)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 5
Hygiea is spherical and is the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system. Hygiea was first discovered in 1849.
Jupiter marble (March)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 6
This is one of the few close-up images of Jupiter, taken by the Juno spacecraft of the US Space Agency (NASA) before landing on the planet's surface. At close range, Jupiter looks like a colorful marble.
Faces in space (June)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 7
Thanks to the Hubble space telescope, researchers have discovered two galaxies colliding, at distances of about 704 million light-years from Earth. The collision creates a face in space.
Glass becomes a black dot (November)
The most impressive cosmic images 2019 Picture 8
On 11/11, the Sun, Glass and Earth are in a straight line. When Glass passes by the Sun for 5 hours and 30 minutes, humans on Earth can see it in the form of a small black dot when looking at the Sun.
- The Earth is losing mass despite receiving 43 tons of dust from other planets every day
- The discovery of a giant black hole, 70 times the mass of the Sun in the Milky Way, challenges every theory
- NASA shares a rare photograph of a 'rainbow' surrounding the Moon
You should read it
- 10 interesting facts about black holes in the universe (Part 1)
- Successfully creating cosmic black holes, demonstrating Hawking radiation exists
- 10 interesting facts about black holes in the universe (Part 2)
- A new discovery about the strange interaction between cosmic black holes and light
- Beautiful Cosmic Background, download Beautiful Cosmic Background here
- Discover incredible facts about our cosmic planet
- The most spectacular cosmic photos 2017
- Detecting monstrous black holes, 20 billion times larger than the sun and growing 'fast'
- Discover the most bizarre black holes in the mysterious space universe
- Discover the terrible war between two giant black holes in the universe
- If people fall into a black hole, what horrors will await them?
- Find out how to weigh black holes based on galaxy spiral arms
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