Close-up of the transformation of the human body after death

After taking the last breath, the human body began to enter into a new process, the process of decomposition.

After taking the last breath, the human body began to enter into a new process, the process of decomposition .

After death, enzymes that break down food into living energy perform a new task, attacking the body's cells. This process is called autolysis .

The liver and brain are the first organs to attack, then spread to all other organs, break capillaries and release blood cells. This is the reason why a few hours after death, the skin turns pale purple.

Those are the first changes that occur after the human body dies, the following infographic will show you more details about this decomposition process.

Close-up of the transformation of the human body after death Picture 1Close-up of the transformation of the human body after death Picture 1

Finally, after decomposing, human corpses create a fertile ecosystem for other organisms to grow. For a better overview of what happens after the human body is buried in the ground, please watch the video below.

The transformation process of the body after death.

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