7 evidence that the human body is still evolving day by day

Although you don't want to believe, the human body is still on the road to evolve day by day. Here are 7 proofs, proving that fact.
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"Evolution" sounds distant but actually very close. Accordingly, if we look back at the time of a few hundred and even a few dozen years ago, when we first appeared on the earth, until today we have become people with a complete structure. This can see that people have obvious changes.

Although you don't realize it, in fact, our human body is still evolving day by day. Here are 7 evidence that our human body is still evolving.

1. Wisdom teeth gradually disappear

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Since appearing on the earth, our ancestors had a huge jaw set to bite the food . With such an activity frequency, wisdom teeth grow deep on the sides of the jaws to help our ancestors. adapt life.

But today the proportion of people without wisdom teeth in the world population is increasing and that is a clear sign of evolution. In terms of uses, wisdom teeth help us crush hard foods. This ability is really necessary for humans in the previous period, but for people in the 21st century, these wisdom teeth seem to be ineffective, because of the foods in the diet Ours is getting softer and easier to digest. Therefore, this special tooth is gradually being removed naturally and in the future, almost no one will have wisdom teeth.

2. More and more people have blue eyes

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In primitive times, human beings were born with dark eyes like brown or black. However, in the period of 6000-10,000 years ago, we began to suffer from mutations that caused a blue-eyed appearance but only a very small amount. According to scientists, blue-eyed boys will tend to be attracted to blue-eyed girls than brown eyes. Therefore, the recessive gene that appears due to this mutation has been replicated through each generation and to date, people with blue eyes have occupied a significant number of the world's population, especially in the Europe country.

3. Average height increases

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There is an undeniable fact that human height is increasing over time. According to human height statistics over the past 100 years, the average human height has increased to 10.1 cm.

The cause of this height increase is in part because the nutrient source is fully met and the second is due to evolution in the human genome.

4. People are getting less and less hair every day

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This evolution can easily be seen. Modern humans are less hairy than our ancestors. And of course, in the near future the few feathers will completely disappear.

In addition to eyelashes to help prevent sweat from falling into the eyes, the nose hair helps to filter the air, the beard to attract women . the majority of other hairs such as chest hair are no longer useful, and will be removed in natural selection.

5. People can breathe in thin air

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We witness the evolution of human respiration, which is the people in Tibet - who can live in harsh environments - where the oxygen concentration is low. Research shows that the Tibetan genome has "improved" with each generation.
Today, every Tibetan child is born with a lower hemoglobin content than normal. This point is the key for them to be able to breathe easier under dilute oxygen conditions.

6. People have unusual back pain

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Unlike the ancestors of the past who had to move with 4 feet, modern humans now go with 2 legs. In order to be able to walk with two legs like today, our spine must undergo a strong evolution to be able to stand up and move. However, this evolution is not really complete, because many people today still suffer from unexplained back pain.

According to the researchers, back pain is a common disease in modern people. And this situation shows that the human body has not really evolved to be able to adapt to standing up and moving with two legs. Anyone who still has back pain, your spine structure is still the same as a gibbon. However, in the future this feature will gradually disappear.

7. People gradually drink milk

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Historically, it has been demonstrated that, after weaning, the genes that metabolize lactose in the body which help people absorb milk will stop working.

That means that many millions of years ago, people could not drink cow's milk or any other milk when they were weaned, because it would cause indigestion and abdominal pain.

However, with the evolution, the same domestication of cattle such as cows, goats, sheep . the gene that regulates lactose digestibility is also gradually changed to better suit the trend.

Therefore, up to now, up to one third of the world's population, mainly from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia . can drink milk, absorb lactose in throughout life without any health problems.

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