The first 99 USD laptop in the world

Cherrypal Africa is the first laptop in the world to sell for less than $ 100 ...

Cherrypal Africa is the first laptop in the world to sell for less than 100 USD.

The first 99 USD laptop in the world Picture 1The first 99 USD laptop in the world Picture 1

We have heard about a $ 100 laptop project for children in developing countries for several years, but so far no products have been sold for less than $ 100.

Cherrypal has just launched the first netbook called Cherrypal Africa, which sells for 99 USD designed for web surfing needs. This product uses a 7-inch screen, integrated 400-MHz processor, 256 MB RAM and 2 GB flash storage drive. Buyers can choose either operating system Linux or Windows CE.

This is a product for African markets, but Cherrypal believes that their $ 99 netbook will have a place in the developed countries' market.

Cherrypal currently has offices in Palo Alto, California (USA) and Hong Kong, which are part of Tristate Hong Kong Group Limited.

This is not the first time Cherrypal has launched a super low-cost netbook. In July 2008, the company introduced the world's cheapest laptop, the Impulse NPX-9000, for $ 139. However, that price is only for those who buy 100 or more products.

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