The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world

Join us to learn about the fascinating life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates' richest person in the world in the following article!
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Jeff Bezos , founder and CEO of Amazon, is one of the key players in the development of e-commerce, with net assets of around $ 90 billion last Thursday.

However, few of us know that, before becoming one of the richest people on the planet, Jeff Bezos has experienced many difficulties.

The pictures below are the mature journey of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, from childhood until becoming one of the richest people on the planet. Join us to learn about the fascinating life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest throne in the world !

Jeff Bezos's mother, Jackie gave birth to him in January 1964 when he was just 17 years old. Jeff Bezos didn't even know anything about his father - Mike Bezos - until the age of 10. Soon after she married Mike Bezos, the immigrant Cuban adopted her mother and daughter.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 1The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 1 Image source: Screenshot / Bio

When Jeff Bezos was 4 years old, his mother told her father, who had previously worked as a circus artist, away from their lives. When news agency Brad Stone interviewed Jeff Bezos's father for the book ' Everything Everything ' about Amazon, Mike Bezos didn't even know how successful his son was.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 2The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 2 Photo source: Reuters / Eric Gaillard

From an early age, Bezos has shown his intelligence. As a toddler, he unleashed the door of his crib with a screwdriver because he wanted to sleep on a real bed.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 3The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 3 Photo source: Daniel Lobo / Flickr

From the age of 4 to the age of 16, Jeff Bezos spent his summer vacation at his grandfather's Texas farm, doing things like fixing windmills or cowherds.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 4The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 4 Photo source: Flickr / Big Gray Mare

Preston Gise's grandfather was a great inspiration to Jeff Bezos , helping him rekindle his passion for pursuing his studies. In a 2010 graduate speech, Jeff Bezos said that grandfather Gise taught him: ' Being a good person is harder than being smart '.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 5The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 5 Photo source: AP Images

Jeff Bezos is a fan of the movie ' Star Trek ', he even intended to name the company, according to the legendary captain Jean-Luc Picard.

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Like many other children, from baby Jeff Bezos dreamed of becoming an astronaut. When he was in school, Bezos once told his teacher: " The future of humanity does not live on Earth ." Perhaps that was also the reason that the space exploration company named Blue Origin was born. The company made history when it became one of the first commercial companies to successfully launch a reusable rocket on Earth.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 7The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 7 Image Source: Blue Origin

At a young age, Jeff Bezos struggled to work at McDonald's. After that, he and his girlfriend opened a summer camp called Dream Institute asking each child to register there to pay 600 USD. That summer camp finally had 6 people registered and one of the books required to read there was the ' Lord of the Rings ' trio.

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Bezos graduated from Princeton University majoring in computer science. After graduation, Jeff Bezos refused to work on a job offer from Intel and Bell Labs to join a startup project called Fitel .

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After leaving Fitel, Jeff Bezos ' nearly ' with Halsey Minor, CNET founder, developed a start-up company to report via fax machine.

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However, Jeff Bezos then worked at DE Shaw investment fund and became deputy director after only 4 years.

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Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos attended a dance course to be more bold in his acquaintance with the girls. Like Wall Street securities players analyze cash flow, Bezos wants to analyze women through dating.

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In 1993, Jeff Bezos married MacKenzie Tuttle, a DE Shaw researcher, who is currently a novelist.

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In 1994, Jeff Bezos learned that websites grew at a rate of 2,300% per year. This figure made Jeff Bezos feel surprised and he decided to find some way to take advantage of this development situation.Jeff Bezos has listed a list of more than 20 most feasible products to sell online and choose books as a last resort .

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Jeff Bezos decided to leave DE Shaw when his career was at its peak.

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Until now Jeff Bezos could not explain why he had made such a decision at the time. Jeff Bezos once said: ' I would never understand why I decided to give up my peak career in one of Wall Street's most powerful companies in 1994, when I was 80 years old. right at the worst time to quit the year. But I also knew that I would regret it if I didn't participate in something called the Internet, which I thought would be a revolutionary event. When I got through everything . the choice really became simple . '

David E. Shaw , Jeff Bezos' boss, tried to persuade him to stay but Bezos decided to refuse and start his own company. Jeff Bezos feels that it is better to do something and then fail than never try.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 16The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 16 Photo source: REUTERS / Jason Redmond

Therefore, Amazon company has been established since then. Jeff Bezos and his wife flew to Texas to borrow the car from their father, then drove together to Seattle. Jeff Bezos still earns extra income by getting riders to ride on the road.

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Bezos started in a garage of its garage with old wooden tables. He organized company meetings at the Barnes & Noble bookstore next door.

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In the early days, when someone ordered a product, a small bell in the office would ring and everyone would gather to see if anyone knew the buyer. After only a few weeks they were forced to remove because of the increasing frequency of ringing, making noise.

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In the first month of operation, Amazon sold books to nearly 50 states and 45 different countries. And according to development, Amazon first debuted on May 15, 1997.

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When the Dot-com stock bubble crumbled, analysts called the company ' Amazon.bomb '. But it overcame the storm and became one of the few startups that survived the dot-com crisis.

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Since its establishment, Amazon's revenue has always grown and never decreased . Amazon shares continued to rise after the crisis. Now beyond the limits of selling books, there are everything you can imagine, including appliances, clothing and cloud computing.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 22The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 22 Amazon warehouse.Photo source: Shutterstock

Jeff Bezos is a hot leader and has a high demand for his employees. It is rumored that he had to hire a leadership coach to help reduce his temper.

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Jeff Bezos banned his employees from using Powerpoint to lecture, instead summarizing all the presentations within 6 pages to increase the ability of critical thinking when proposing a certain idea, interpretation deals in detail.

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Jeff Bezos also created a simple and simple work culture unprecedented in Silicon Valley, without free food or massage services.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 25The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 25 The kitchen of the Amazon office.Photo source: Business Insider

In 1998, Jeff Bezos became one of Google's investors. He invested $ 250,000 and earned $ 3.3 million when the company went to the floor in 2004. It is now worth about $ 2.2 billion.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 26The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 26 Photo Source: Bloomberg Game Changers

What does Jeff Bezos do with the money he earns? In 2012, Jeff Bezos contributed $ 2.5 million to protect gay marriage in Washington.

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Besides, Jeff Bezos also contributed $ 42 million and part of his land in Texas to build The Clock Of The Long Now , an underground clock designed to operate for 10,000 years.

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In August 2013, Bezos bought the Washington Post for $ 250 million.

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Bezos has a special interest in flying games. In 2003, he almost paid the price of his own life in a helicopter crash in Texas.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 30The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 30 This is a Bezos accident helicopter.Photo source: NTSB

However, in 2016, he drove his own plane to pick up a Washington Post reporter in Germany when he was released by Iran.

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Bezos owns a number of properties up to 21,650 square meters in Seattle including 182 meters of coastline.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 32The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 32 An airplane passed by the land he owned.Photo source: Stephen Brashear / Getty

Jeff Bezos bought a $ 24.5 million 7-bedroom house in Beverly Hills in 2007. The house consists of a greenhouse, a tennis court, a swimming pool and a guest house; and he is also Tom Cruise's neighbor.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 33The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 33 Bezos's house in Beverly Hills, Hollywood.Photo source: Dream Homes Magazine

In January 2017, Bezos acquired the Textile Museum, a couple of couples in Washington DC This house was sold for $ 23 million and is the largest house here.

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Bezos also owns a chain of apartments with a total area of ​​over 10,000 square meters at the Century Tower in New York.

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20 years after going to the market, Amazon has a trading volume of up to 501.5 billion USD. Barclays predicted that Amazon was the first company worth trillions of dollars, not Apple.

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Yesterday, July 27, 2017 marked Bezos surpassing Bill Gates to become the richest person in the world . His wealth is currently around $ 90 billion and Amazon is selling goods worth $ 137 billion a day.

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Bezos will constantly test new ideas at any time . In an interview with Business Insider, Bezos said: ' It is important for companies to continue to experiment, dare to face failure and fall into a desperate situation, when the only thing they can do is to pray to the Virgin Mary for the existence of the company '.

The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 38The Amazing Life of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has just been Bill Gates' richest usurper in the world Picture 38 Photo source: Jason Redmond / REUTERS

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