Microsoft application helps visually impaired people see the world around them

Microsoft has released an application using artificial intelligence (AI) with the desire to help visually impaired people see the world around them. Let's see what special features this app has!

Microsoft has released an application using artificial intelligence (AI) with the desire to help visually impaired people see the world around them. The Seeing AI application has many different channels so users can switch between channels, then the application will provide feedback on what is happening before the user.

If the Seeing AI is really as good as the ads, this application will really help the visually impaired. Using AI, the application will be able to read text, provide audio instructions to scan printed pages, items in grocery stores and even provide instructions on how to use them. Even more impressive is Seeing AI capable of identifying your friends, describing them and even letting you know the emotional state of those around you.

Microsoft application helps visually impaired people see the world around them Picture 1Microsoft application helps visually impaired people see the world around them Picture 1

A lot of Seeing AI manual videos are available on the Microsoft website. If you know someone with vision problems, you should share this application with them immediately because it can open a whole new world for them.

Seeing AI is a great step forward with AR (augmented reality) technology that positively affects the lives of millions of people.

Currently, the new application is only available on iOS devices in the United States. We will update soon on the time this great application is released more widely and it may soon appear on Android.

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