Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far?

Actually, the thought of 'or buying coin' still comes back to me sometimes. If I had bought ETH or Bitcoin just a year ago, things would have been a lot different now. But when it comes to 'maybe', we have to say both ways.

I have a friend who previously studied software together. After studying for a year, you decide to give up your software career and move to business administration.

Over the last few years, our software profession has exploded. It can be said that, except for cases of "too muddy", too poor, any software engineer can easily find a job. Going abroad is almost inevitable.

There are times when I meet and talk, you also say "Sometimes I regret, software making has more opportunities". Then, you get back to your banking strategy team. Your life, as I see it, is still enough happiness. Banking work doesn't "kill" you, at least it doesn't upset you like the days of discrete math or OOP with me.

Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 1Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 1

If predictable .

I know, the day you quit school to change careers, you and your parents thought a lot before making a decision. In fact, the day we studied together, leaving the software was considered a courageous and . right decision. At that time, FPT stock price started to go down, "IT" career also lost its attraction to make way for economic sectors to become the "hottest" one. Learning IT is difficult, starting salary is not high, the highest can not be as rich as business people.

My story with Bitcoin is almost the same. I often think, deciding to sell all the coins I have to get back enough money to buy a mediocre headset is not the same as when I bought a laptop just a month before the company sold. That is, I give up virtual money that comes from careful consideration and thought, not because of . unlucky.

Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 2Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 2

Take a look at the chart above and you will understand why. In 2011, I had enough time to use my machine to mine some coins. Then, to 2012, the money increased . then plummeted gradually. I sold it gradually, keeping some with my thoughts, probably increasing again.

I spent a lot of time watching the coins go up and down.

Then, my work began to have a turning point. I began to think, is playing Bitcoin "worth"? Actually, the amount of coins I held at that time was not worth converting to my career - after all, these are opportunities I had to wait for a long time. I don't want to sacrifice sustainable values ​​just for Bitcoin.

With that in mind, I sold it all.

Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 3Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 3
Water drops overflow.

By 2013, the coin skyrocketed. I thought a little bit, if only I had kept some coins. Then, the Mt. Gox happened. My only thought at the time: OK, never to return to virtual money again.

Friends who also play coins like "for fun" like me after that incident also sold out all the virtual money they had.

As of now, as you can see, I am certainly much richer. If I said sorry, I did have reason to regret it. But every time I think "playing or playing again", the things that I used to think about in 2012 and 2013 come back. What is the actual value of Bitcoin, except for a measure to launder money and make illegal purchases? What will happen when governments take action to tighten Bitcoin? What happens when the blockchain cannot create new coins?

Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 4Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 4
I may be rich or miserable because of coins .

Above all, have I ever been willing to take the risk of losing 10 million or 50 million when hacked or when the money goes downhill? Have I ever seen friends who lost money because of plowing or buying and selling and thinking, well, if that's the case then I'm still okay?

The answer to these two questions is "no". Asking the question "why didn't I buy coins then" is like asking "why didn't hold land in ABC XYZ in the past", "why didn't buy AAPL or GOOG shares last year" . risks I can't control. If I were willing to spend time and mind playing a coin in the least risky way possible, I would have lost my time and could not have devoted myself to what it means now: family, work, development opportunities.

Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 5Why have I not regretted not playing Bitcoin so far? Picture 5
Now, I accept that I'm neither rich nor miserable.

Actually, my friends, when they sold all their coins in 2013, sold because . they knew about coins, not economic brokers for luck. Like my old friend, talking back to time to learn software is just fun. I still remember, you were miserable when learning discrete mathematics and then glad to be present in English class .

The "understanding", your thinking about the IT profession at that time may be completely wrong as my thoughts on Bitcoin during the past 5 years . If asked, the price goes back to time to retain some coin to now have several tens of thousands of dollars, I would definitely say yes.

But I can't turn back time. And I feel happy enough with the last 5 years to not torment myself, to return to doing something.


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