Here are a few ways to check the air quality we are breathing.
Carbon Monoxide (carbon monoxide): is a colorless, odorless, flammable and highly toxic gas, the product of incomplete combustion of burning fuels in household appliances such as stoves. , furnaces, water heaters and heaters. Carbon monoxide can enter the lungs, inhibiting oxygen transport to the body. Exposure to carbon monoxide for a long time can lead to death. The only way to detect this carbon monoxide is to install a carbon monoxide detector in your home. It works like a smoke sensor, which will alert you when the level of carbon monoxide increases too much.
CO discovery system.
Radon gas (radon) : is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is naturally radioactive from the soil and enters your home through dirt on the floor, cracks in the walls and in the basement as well as drainage systems. It is thought to be the main cause of lung cancer. The simple way to check the amount of radon in your home is to buy tests to measure the level of radon in your home. Leave the test kit in the house at the lowest place for 2-7 days, then send it to the laboratory for measurement.
The kit test measures the concentration of radon in the home.
Biological contaminants : mold, moisture, bacteria, viruses and pollen are all biological contaminants. Mold and mildew grow in humid conditions, which are caused by high humidity, water pipe leakage and steam condensation. Visual inspections and odors are the only way to detect biological contaminants. When mold and mildew are found, you must clean those areas with ammonia solution or some similar detergent to kill pathogens.