Should Microsoft distribute Windows 10 to everyone for free?

Today, the world of Windows only seems to be synonymous with Windows 10, because Microsoft has not made any plans to release new operating system versions, but only focus on feature updates for Windows 10

With Windows gradually transitioning to something called "Windows as a Service" (Windows as a service), the software giant's long-term strategy for the operating system basically consisted of launching two updates. features each year, one of which will focus on perfecting the user experience and fixing bugs discovered during use.

In the context that Windows 7 is now retired, and Microsoft only supports Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, it's very clear to see that persuading people to switch to Windows 10 is the only way the company can choose now. .

And honestly, switching to Windows 10 is the best decision that every Windows user can make, because this is the only version of Windows that is guaranteed to support long-term and often improved, fixed and fixed. through security patches.

However, switching to Windows 10 is not a simple problem, just a few mouse clicks are done. For many companies, upgrading from an earlier version of Windows to Windows 10 also costs them a few extra fees, such as upgrading to hardware that can allow them to enjoy the latest features. Microsoft equips this operating system.

For consumers, switching the operating system is much smoother, because in their case, everything revolves around moving data from an old version of Windows to the new one.

However, whether it is a consumer or a business, a Windows 10 license is required. And despite Microsoft's ambitious plan to bring people to Windows 10, the operating system is not cheap. In the US, the price of Windows 10 Home is $ 139, Windows 10 Pro is $ 199.99, and Windows 10 Pro for Workstations is $ 309.

Should Microsoft distribute Windows 10 to everyone for free? Picture 1Should Microsoft distribute Windows 10 to everyone for free? Picture 1

A user suggested on the Windows 10 Feedback Hub app that Microsoft should lower the price of Windows 10 for a very simple reason, that the operating system must reach everyone - something Microsoft obviously wanted since when they launched this operating system.

" People spend a lot of money on their computers, to buy, or more importantly, assemble a system. Most people just download Windows and use it without even activating. If you make enough money, what's the use of having high Windows prices? "- this user said.

" What do you get, except that there's more money to lie on? If you can't make it for free, set the price of Windows 10 Home at $ 10, and Windows 10 Pro at $ 35, and you will make more money from it, because more people will actually buy it, like me "- he added in an attempt to get Microsoft to make its operating system easier to own for with people.

It is very important that you know that Windows 10 is actually provided free of charge to users running Windows 7 and 8.1 if they switch right in the first year after Windows 10 launch.

On the other hand, even though the free upgrade program has basically ended, users can still upgrade for free for a variety of obvious reasons. Windows 7 activation key can still be used to activate Windows 10; As long as you own Windows 7 copyright, you will also own Windows 10 copyright. In other words, Windows 10 is inherently free for everyone, but should Microsoft make it completely free and allow everyone to download and use it at ease?

After all, the $ 139 Windows 10 Home is actually quite an odd thing, especially as mentioned above, Windows 10 is the only path for Windows users in the long run.

What do you think: should Windows 10 be cheaper? What is the affordable price for a copy of Windows 10 Home that you can consider paying for?

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