Samsung's Rel Ocĭno glasses enhance smarter vision for people with visual problems

Reléoĭno glasses this new technology was introduced by Samsung at Mobile World Congress.

Reléoĭno glasses this new technology was introduced by Samsung at Mobile World Congress. At that time, this glasses worked together with an application that required Gear VR phones and headsets; Now Rel Relĭĭno glasses use more comfortably and more streamlined for phone users.

The inspiration behind Relítĭno comes from the fact that 86% of the blind, about 217 million people worldwide, are not completely blind, most of them consider TV to be their favorite form of entertainment. Samsung engineers have set a goal of providing something that can use the power of modern smartphones to create a simple, compact visual aid, so that glasses This is born.

Samsung's Rel Ocĭno glasses enhance smarter vision for people with visual problems Picture 1Samsung's Rel Ocĭno glasses enhance smarter vision for people with visual problems Picture 1

There are four modes for application and Reléoĭno glasses, each using image processing software to enhance visibility. Regular mode helps to define the shape better by making the image border become clearer, reducing the blur, while Color Invert mode is designed to read text, reverse the black text on white. and enhance contrast.

Partial vision mode is designed for people with central or peripheral vision loss, filling blind spots in the user's vision by correcting the image.

Finally, the Display Color Filter mode works like sunglasses, reducing the glare of certain colors and improving visibility along the way.

Although, this glass is still in the testing phase, so we don't know when it will officially launch and how much it will cost. However, this glass demo will be introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2018) next week.

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