Review Nioh 2 - Extreme challenge for hardcore gamers

Nioh 2 is not only a very unique Souls-like game and an excellent sequel to a game that already has many highlights. The game has inherited many attractive elements of the previous part, while also developing and adding new aspects to it.

Koei Tecmo

Team Ninja

Release date: March 13 , 2020

Platform: PS4

Nioh 2 – How hard should a game be? The answer is also quite simple, it should be as difficult as the effort that the player wants to put in to overcome, it requires the player to be patient, learn and understand the mechanics and design of the game, and at the same time give players a sense of satisfaction every time they go through a challenge.

Nioh 2 is an extremely harsh game where even the smallest enemy can finish you off in seconds. With perseverance, precision and careful preparation, you must survive in a world where demons and humans are not far apart. If you are a ninja lover, the game will make you excited with skills and items imbued with Japanese culture.

But please warn me in advance, the game will not be gentle with you, because Nioh 2 can break your spirit through arduous battles, pushing you beyond your limits. And when you clear the game, you will train the spirit and will of a samurai to fight and taste victory even when all seems lost.

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Deep combat and highly customizable is the shining jewel of Nioh 2. You can choose from a variety of weapons and train to enhance your stats and abilities to gain maximum advantage. when entering combat. 

Nioh 2 introduces new features and also adds complexity to the game, including Dark Realm and Yokai abilities. There are 3 types of Yokai you can transform into, namely Yokai Brute - strong in damage, Yokai Feral - moving with high speed and finally Yokai Phantom - specializing in magic and ranged attacks.

Burst Counter is also a favorite addition to many gamers, where through expert timing you can wait for your opponent to flash red before launching a deadly attack, but then turn the water. go there as your opportunity to counterattack and destroy the enemy. When you first start playing the game, the boss's red flashing deadly attacks will always make you panic. But when you have mastered the Burst Counter technique, that's all you've been waiting for, because the finishing blow is also when the enemy is most vulnerable and the opportunity to defeat the enemy is right at hand. 

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While some games bring a sense of victory to attract players, Nioh 2 is very brutal. Even the smallest of farmers can kill you with a single slash, and at higher levels set up gruesome death traps that force you to think through every possible scenario. out. 

Even picking up items is an action that needs to be thought out and carefully observed, because you won't know how many people are ambushing and ready to put you in sight. And while this will give you the feeling of a real samurai checking every nook and cranny before every action, the later on, the game will tire you out because you know nothing is ever going to be easy. easy here. 

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However, it is undeniable that the combat in the game is extremely attractive and allows you to be proactive in creating opportunities and advantages to win. Refining your weapons into killing machines, increasing levels and skills, and collecting loads of loot to complete gear is extremely satisfying.

With new combat mechanics added to the game, this has completely changed the gameplay and rhythm of each battle. What is extremely clear when comparing the combat mechanics of the two parts is the speed, in part one you will have to learn each enemy's fighting style and punish them in between each attack.

In Nioh 2, the unique character design and youkai have been inherited and become a big 'plus' of the game. As for the human characters, Team Ninja has combined both the historical details in the books and the fanciful elements of the game and shows this clearly in the character's appearance, making every character look like a person. unique shape and extremely memorable.

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The boss battles take place in a quantity over quality approach, with dozens of encounters and erratic difficulty. Some will be extremely difficult, while others will be just a warm-up exercise. But overall, the battles in the game will be extremely memorable and saved in the player's mind.

Nioh 2, like the Nioh game before it, is a non-stop and torturous journey that makes you consider every action. Although there are still a few points to improve, but overall, the game will give you the experience of a real samurai.

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