Itta is a bullet hell style shooting game with simple but extremely beautiful 2D graphics - it must be said that this graphic part is the reason why I have an interest in the game and made this article after game experience. In the category of 'boss rush,' the game absolutely does not have any opponent other than bosses of all strange shapes but very cute. These bosses are challenging and interesting enough so even though the game is quite short, gamers can still enjoy it for a long time by defeating them over and over to enjoy the feeling of winning. which the game gives me.
When Itta woke up, she suddenly realized that she had lost everything when her relatives collapsed around her. A spirit claiming to be summoned by her cat suddenly appears, mentions Itta's mother and gives her the gun of her father. Even though Itta didn't understand it, she decided to listen to the strange cat and bring a gun to start the journey to find her mother, and that's when you begin to join Itta's journey.
As Moi mentioned above, Itta's gameplay is simple and easy to get used to: all you need to know is shoot their bosses and dodge their bullets. A number of small puzzles and a little bit of the element of finding the way are included in the game to enrich the content of the game and spacing between boss battles without absolutely any challenges that forces gamers to scratch their heads. unplugged ears. The entire game is oriented by the cat and the NPCs that Itta occasionally meets along the way, but all have in common is that you only get to the next boss battle in the game.

Little Itta and the feline cat followed suit.
As the main content of Itta, the bosses in the game proved very interesting. After the first boss almost plays the role of instructor with simple and easily predictable moves - dodging, the game quickly pushes the difficulty soaring to deserve a bullet hell game. The bosses look quite diverse from a slime with legs, emperors, ghosts, . and a girl holding a giant mace. They have tactics that look good on their appearance, though all use bullets as their main method of damage.
Competing with these bosses requires gamers to quickly hurry to shoot back and move to avoid bullets and sometimes jump to dodge AOE wide range (usually an arm scanning across the screen). But no matter how careful, gamers will surely be 'caught' by unexpected attacks coming from outside the screen, such as the emperor's flying sword or hand sweeps.

The graphics of the game are simple but beautiful.
While the bosses are constantly growing stronger, Itta also earns new assistants, which are familiar weapons such as pistols, shotguns, machine guns, cannons, etc. The weapons in the game all bring an interesting shooting feeling. , But we like the shotgun the most because it does not require high aiming ability, which is very useful when you have to cross your neck to run around the screen to avoid the boss attack. She will also have the ability to transform to become immune to damage for a short time, but you cannot actively activate it and only be used when the energy bar is full.
Itta has a downside to the controls, that gamers can only switch between weapons via a circular menu on the screen - something you have to do in the middle of the battle. This makes the screen even more confusing - rather than using the number keys, a confusing thing for a PC shooter. After searching for the name of the game, I realized that this is also a game for Switch and this menu is definitely designed to serve Switch. In return, the game still supports movement and aiming with the mouse + keys very well, giving gamers the ability to control Itta accurately and subtly - essential when playing a bullet hell game.

Images, sounds and miscellaneous
For nerds, graphics are a plus for Itta for two different reasons. Firstly, as you can see in the illustrations in the article, Itta has its own pixel-style pixel graphics with very nice soft colors. This choice of colors is definitely for gameplay because in boss battles, gamers can easily identify the dangers on the screen thanks to the clear separation between the green background and the Red bullets take on the shapes that the bosses of the game create.
Itta's music is not too prominent, it seems just enough to make gamers feel the slightly sad atmosphere that the game tries to convey. In return, the overwhelming, loud background music at the boss battle proved quite appropriate and created the feeling of suspense and stress necessary to stimulate the reaction of gamers - sometimes we have a phase. extraordinarily ecstatic, such as dragging a half of a boss' blood with just a drop of blood, and this must be the merit of the soundtrack, not by the level of Beetle.

Each boss can create rain of bullets.
Another plus point that we want for the game is that the developer Glass Revolver is very agile in listening and solving gamers' feedback. The Sword King boss has the ability to teleport almost instantly, making it impossible for the player to dodge and so they feel this is an unfair challenge, and the developer fixes this problem within 24 hours.
Overall, Itta is a small but attractive game, short in time but can entice gamers to return to play with interesting bosses and beautiful graphics. The game is currently being sold for a fairly soft price of only 148,000 VND (10% off) on the occasion of launch on Steam.