Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss

Born into a wealthy and powerful family, The Boss's life was all about fighting, killing, betraying and hurting.

Born into a wealthy and powerful family, The Boss's life was all about fighting, killing, betraying and hurting.

The Boss is a woman with countless accomplishments that the men of the world of Metal Gear Solid do not have, from the title of 'the mother of special forces' to the courage on the battlefield, loyalty. siege and silent feats.

Note that, like the 007 movie, the story of the Metal Gear Solid series has a great spy and conspiracy color among countries around the world. But this is only a work of fiction - the political, military, terrorist and interrelated plots of nations are just fantasies, not historical facts! 

The Boss, the mother of the special forces

The woman nicknamed 'The Boss' was born with the golden key when she was the daughter of one of the members of 'The Wisemen's Committee', a division of Philosophers that gathered the richest and the smartest brains from the founding nations of Philosophers. This position allowed The Boss to know about the organization's darkest secrets, but the price she paid was the death of her father.

In 1941, when the Second World War broke out, The Boss was invited to be a trainer for the SAS task force that the British government had just established. At this time, she used the nickname 'The Joy' (joy) for a long time. During his training for SAS, The Boss met his colleague David Oh, a character who played an important role later in the world of Metal Gear.

Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 1Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 1

The Boss when he was young.

In 1942, The Boss and his five companions The Pain, The Fear, The End, The Fury and The Sorrow formed a smaller task force called the Cobra Unit, but at the same time she formed an emotional relationship with The Sorrow. This group of 6 participated in many special missions during World War 2 and greatly contributed to the victories of the Allied army. These agents earned her the status of a legendary warrior and was given the title 'Mother of Special Forces'.

In 1943, The Boss was caught up in the Philosophers' internal vortex when assigned to assassinate scientist John von Neumann, a key figure in Manhattan's nuclear project 'Manhattan Project'. America. At this time, The Boss was pregnant with The Sorrow's child but she still decided to carry out her mission.

During the mission, the Boss was distracted and discovered, causing the mission to fail. She was hit in the head but fortunately did not die but only lost consciousness for three months. The Boss fully recovered 6 months later and believed that this recovery was due to the will to survive for the child in his belly.

Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 2Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 2

And The Boss as Cobra Unit commander.

During the D-Day the Allies chose to land on Normandy, the Cobra Unit was deployed to destroy some V2 rocket launchers. Right on this battlefield, The Boss gave birth to his children after being hit by bullets in the abdomen and had a snake-shaped scar on his stomach. Her son was named Adamska but it was soon taken away by the Philosophers.

Two years after the end of World War II, The Boss disbanded the Cobra Unit because of internal conflicts in the Philosophers, broke up with lover The Sorrow (who returned to Russia) and took part in his own secret missions. US government. Around 1951, she met 15-year-old John and spent nearly 10 years training John as his successor. She taught John a lot of things including the profile of CQC melee technique, causing John to claim that part of him belonged to The Boss, and their relationship was more than friends, comrades or lovers. .

Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 3Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 3
League of Legends Griffin team: From youth to glory and collapse
Let's look back at the history of the Griffin League of Legends team since they were a fledgling organization to successes and even failures.

And the betrayal

By 1959, The Boss was given a special mission by the US president: recruiting people who were willing to help the United States sabotage the opponent's space program and help NASA win the space race. However, the CIA - under the control of Philosophers - objected to this task and did not help her, forcing her to use her own relationships with the Philosophers to accomplish her task. She created an underground base in the enemy ranks, but the CIA jumped in to take the achievement.

Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 4Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 4

John (also known as Jack), a student of The Boss.

However, shortly after, The Boss discovered that there was a problem with the equipment drawings that the underground facility sent back. The warnings that The Boss gave to the CIA were ignored, so she decided to investigate the incident herself and discovered that the underground facility had been betrayed by a large portion of his wages that had been pocketed by the CIA staff. , making him feel that what he receives is not worth the risk. The Boss ignored the CIA and reported this information directly to NASA, so that the CIA blamed all the blame on the betrayal of the underground facility for The Boss to abandon all their responsibility before the newly elected president - John F. Kennedy.

When NASA made the Mercury Project to send people to space, The Boss was chosen to be a human who will fly into space to collect data on the reaction of the human body. The successful flight made The Boss become the first person in history to fly to space, but on the way back, her flight deck was modified to deviate from orbit and fell straight into the sea. She was seriously injured by cosmic rays and the temperature of the landing but survived 6 months of coma.

Feeling humiliated by the failed landing, Americans hushed the launch of the spaceship by announcing The Boss was injured during the Bay of Pigs Bay Event. Meanwhile, their opponents enjoy the reputation when their spaceships successfully launch and land safely afterwards. The Boss was 'disgraced.'

Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 5Plot Metal Gear Solid - Part 2: A woman with the codename The Boss Picture 5

The Sorrow.

But this space race has affected her fate more than that. The spy that The Boss implanted into his opponent during the 1959 spy mission has now been transformed into a double agent by none other than The Sorrow, her former lover who was unaware of the story. By 1962, the branches of the Philosophers ordered The Boss and The Sorrow to kill each other and only one of them could survive, otherwise they would kill their son, young Adamska.

The old couple met again on a bridge at Tselinoyarsk and discussed what to do. They agree that The Sorrow will sacrifice himself for The Boss and his children to live. This is not the last time we hear about The Sorrow, because the strong spiritual power of The Sorrow makes his soul a ghost two years later.

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Hideo Kojima said that he created The Boss based on actress Charlotte Rampling.

By the end of 1962, old friend David Oh - now using Major Zero - contacted The Boss and invited her to join the creation of a new CIA unit called The Fox. This was a unit that specialized in secret missions and intelligence gathering, and it officially became a part of the CIA in 1964. Its personnel were equipped with advanced equipment developed. by their scientific research department, and often perform their duties alone, without the support of anyone.


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