Relax weekend with stop-motion video teaching sushi making from ... iPhone, extremely attractive vest

The video is almost 5 minutes long, capturing the process of mass of sushi made from ties, trouser sleeves, sleeves, shoes, socks, ballpoint pens, even an iPhone that keeps viewers interested.

Recently, Omozoc YouTube channel posted a stop-motion video teaching sushi making from . iPhone, super cool vest. Named "The late-night office lunch," the video attracted more than 8 million views in just 3 days.

Omozoc is a Japanese YouTube channel specializing in stop-motion video making of cooking from inedible . things.

The video is almost 5 minutes long, capturing the process of mass of sushi made from ties, trouser sleeves, sleeves, shoes, socks, ballpoint pens, even an iPhone that keeps viewers interested. In the video, a tie is used to make tuna, a pen is a wasabi .

The most surprising thing is, Omozoc's video is created from extremely precise stop-motion technique with many thousands of frames but not using CG or Photoshop at all.

Not only attract viewers to the grotesque sushi making process, the video also has a twisted polarity. Watch the video below to know what it is.

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