PUBG Mobile: How to choose the right accessories for each gun
Everyone knows in PUBG Mobile, in addition to using gun skills, gun accessories are what will help gamers control recoil, gun stability and increase accuracy for their weapons. But not everyone knows how to choose the right accessories for their weapons
If you know how to choose the right accessories for your weapon, you will be much harder to control your weapons, especially for new players. Please choose for yourself the accessories with the best weapons through the following article of QuanTriMang offline.
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How to choose accessories for weapons in PUBG Mobile
1. Assault Rifle
PUBG Mobile: How to choose the right accessories for each gun Picture 1
AR is the most versatile weapon line in PUBG Mobile, able to operate at close range, medium range when fitting accessories. If you want AR to be effective at medium level, please prioritize Scope , maybe x3 or x4, x6 is not suitable for some ARs with low warhead acceleration like AKM or Groza, so it will not be suitable for X6 mounting.
In addition, accessories such as handles will be suitable for all situations, both long-range and mid-range. Extended Extended QuickDraw Magazine is always a priority, but with the top end, the Suppressor is still the first choice. If you can't find any silencer, you should use Compensator shock absorber.
2. DMR
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The first thing after loot a DMR password is Scope, which is best for X4. The second is to find it right for an Extended QuickDraw Magazine because the number of DMR bullets is usually only 10, the Mini-14 is 20. Then there is a Vertical Grip accessory because the DMR has low recovery and only Shot in Single mode is mainly.
While the head of the Suppressor is still the best, it reduces the noise, but also covers the sparks from the emitted gun. However, Suppressor is not easy to find, so you can use Flash Hider. The advantage of DMR is that it can attach both AR accessories and Sniper Rifle
3. Sniper Rifle
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Sniper Rifle is still the most priority for some Scope because the accuracy is almost absolute, X8 is excellent, otherwise X6 is fine, then comes the Suppressor to cover the fire and noise, or use Flash Hider is fine too.
If the ammunition is expanded, if it is, it's fine, the Sniper Rifle doesn't need too much ammunition in the ice, and Cheek Pad is fine, it's okay.
4. Light Machine Gun
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Accessories of this gun line are not many, only Scope but the number of bullets is the most in PUBG Mobile so you can rest assured that shooting, do not shoot 1 and then change bullets. For LMG's Scope you can choose X4 if you want to shoot away, or use Red Dot for simplicity if you want to use close range.
5. Sub Machine Gun
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Because the damage is not high and the firing speed is fast, you should prioritize Extended QuickDraw Magazine for SMG, or Extended Magazine. Especially Vector because the number of bullets is only 13, lower than a Pistol.
If you do not attach an expansion tape to Vector, then you will be "scolded" before you can load new cartridges into the gun. Then going to Compensator and Vertical Grip, Scope, you only need X2 or Red Dot because SMG doesn't go out very far, and more Stock is better.
6. Shotgun
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The most equipped Shotgun with accessories is S12K, you can use Extended QuickDraw Magazine to expand the tape for it, in addition, the Compensator is an indispensable accessory because this gun is quite jerky, it can shoot continuously. So this accessory will support a lot for S12K.
As for the remaining guns, you can find Bullet Loops and Choke for them, Choke helps the shotgun pick up the ammo and Bullet Loops will greatly reduce the time of reloading.
7. Pistol
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Wait for the accessory to be attached, then the Pistol is out of play, but with a few pistols they still work, especially the P18C when you use AR, DMR or Sniper Rifle, P18C will close. As a small SMG when you attach Extended QuickDraw Magazine to this gun, getting Red Dot is better.
As for the other Pistol guns, players want to add more accessories, it is also okay because many people do not even bother to pick up Pistol when there are two other weapons, but if you want to show the ability to play by Pistol should still find the expansion tape and Red Dot for them.
With a little hint through the above article, hope to help you choose the right accessories for your gun and promote all their effects offline. Also, if you know how to combine two different types of guns, it is also a factor that helps you win the TOP 1, refer to the article PUBG Mobile: The best gun combos to win TOP 1 in the game to know how to combine Gun types in PUBG Mobile.
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