print('Hello ' + Name)
This is a code snippet that names the variable Name and assigns the value 'Adam' to greet the user with their name.
It can also be done easily with the example:
print('The number is ' + Number)
The practical point of the variable here is that it allows us to change the elements in the code. You can write Number = Number + 1 so that the values increase. Similarly, create a small app like this:
Name = input('What is your name please?')
print('Why hello ' + Name)
The input of the above command allows to retrieve data from the user. In this case, you are using the user input to determine the Name variable . Note that the variables are case sensitive. Python commands are written in lowercase, so declaring variables in uppercase is easier to distinguish.
So using a few lines of code has brought some interesting things especially for your Android device. Another example script about your age details like this:
Age = int(input('How old are you?'))
print('In ', 100 – Age, ' years, you will be 100! That's around ', (100 -Age) * 365, ' days!')
This small program tells you how many more days you will be 100 years old. Here use a few operators (multiply '*', except '-'). The int declaration at the beginning indicates that the input entered must be an integer.
The WHILE loop in Python is used to run a code repeatedly when the given condition returns TRUE. Add the following lines to the above age script:
Count = 0
print('Let's count your remaining years…')
while Count < Age:
Count = Count + 1
print('That's ', Count, ' years, ', Age – Count, ' to go!')
print('And we're done!)
Notice that the next two lines are indented meaning they are part of the loop. If you have learned C, C ++ or Java, you will know that these programming languages use {} to identify code blocks. In Python, it is different, the blocks will be identified through indentation. That's why Python indentation is so important, if you reverse the line the program will report an error immediately.
Along with the loop, the IF statement in Python programming is also a very important part. The IF statement is used to execute conditional instructions, if the correct command executes the command, if it is false, the command does not execute. For example:
if Age > 50:
print('You're over half way!')
Also Python has an IF . ELSE . Execute IF if the condition is true, if it is false, execute the ELSE.
if Age > 50:
print('You're over half way!')
print('Ah, still young!')
The ELIF command is also very useful. ELIF is the abbreviation of the ELSE IF, which allows us to test many conditions. If the condition is false, it will check the condition of the next ELIF block and so on. If all conditions are wrong it will execute the ELSE block.
if Age > 50:
print('You're over half way!')
elif Age < 50:
print('Ah, still young!')
print('You're exactly halfway!')
Here Python will announce 'You're exactly halfway!' when the user is exactly 50 years old (no more than 50, not less than 50).
Using the newly introduced code in the article is enough for you to create a simple small game. Before doing that, join Quantrimang to learn how to use libraries in Python.
Python comes with libraries called 'Python Standard Library' - the standard Python library, without installing any additional programs. The game we will get acquainted with below will be the number guessing form like 'higher or lower' - higher or lower. To do this, we need to create a random number and no command in Python is possible. Write the following command:
from random import randint
We were then able to use randint (lowest, highest) functions with two parameters, the lowest and the highest.
Complete the game with the following code:
from random import randint
RandomNumber = randint(0, 10)
print('I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, can you guess what it is?')
Guess = 11
while Guess != RandomNumber:
Guess = int(input('Have a guess…'))
if Guess > RandomNumber:
print('Too high!')
if Guess < RandomNumber:
print('Too low!')
print('Got it!')
Although this is not an Android application, it can't stop you from creating scripts like this, you can even share it with friends or colleagues if they also use QPython3.
So, by using the Python Standard Library, you can write files, download everything from the website, and have many more interesting things right on your device.
Of course there are many more things to learn. For example, you can create a very simple Class like this:
def counter(Name):
length = len(Name)
return length;
NamePlease = input("Name length counter! Enter your name ")
Hay List is presented like this:
List = ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Pears']
There are lots of Python resources you need to learn. You can study Python with Quantrimang here.
If you want to create a real Android application in Python, you will have a few options, depending on your idea and purpose how to use that application.
If you only want an app to access your device's native features, then do it with the SL4A library or Python Android Scripting Layer. This library allows you to do functions such as displaying dialogs, emotional reading or camera access.
The program below will open the camera and save your photos:
import sl4a
droid = sl4a.Android()
Or do you want to open a website by:
from android import Android
droid = Android()
You can even launch to display the interface of the HTML file stored on the device. This will be a great way to view GUI elements (Graphical User Interface).
droid.webViewShow('file:///sdcard/ index.html')
One more thing you can do is create a file to display dynamic HTML based on the script you create. Combine this function with Tasker (a tool to automate all tasks on Android devices) to create potential surprises.
If you want to go further in this area, you need to use Kivy. Kivy allows you to create Android apps with full functionality, multitouch, graphics and more. This is also a way to help you turn your scripts in Python into APKs that can be installed on Android devices and distributed via CH Play. Great, Kivy is a cross-platform library so you can create apps for many other platforms when you use them.
You can display UI elements (User Interface) such as buttons or graphics. A simple example:
from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
class HelloWorld(App):
def build(self):
btn = Button(text='Hello World')
return btn
Overall, Python is not a perfect choice for developing professional applications, but this is a great language for you to create scripts and build personal utility tools for Android devices. mine. Indeed, everything is more comfortable when working with Python on phones with QPython3. This is the method that is considered to be the easiest for those who enter code writing on mobile devices.
So what are you waiting for without trying? A world of rich Android application programming is waiting. Good luck!
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