Our galaxy contains countless invisible black holes?

Ignoring the story of intense black holes, glowing energy or glowing gas, the stealthy concept of black holes is causing astronomers to fall back.

Ignoring the story of intense black holes, glowing energy, glowing gas dust, the concept of "invisible black hole" is making astronomers fall back.

Accordingly, researchers from the University of Alberta , Canada claim: there are more than 150 million stealthy black holes operating secretly in our universe . This means that the number of black holes is much higher than what we thought before because they are so secretly hidden that no one has ever discovered them.

To confirm this, they claimed to have studied a typical stealth black hole named VLA J2130 + 12 . This black hole is different from normal black holes, it works in an almost invisible form, only emits many X-rays and a few gas materials, the energy is burned slowly, silently, dimly. pale mystery.

Our galaxy contains countless invisible black holes? Picture 1Our galaxy contains countless invisible black holes? Picture 1
The VLA J2130 + 12 image can be a stealthy black hole in the universe. (Photo: Interstellar)

" Normally, black holes in the universe work openly, store a lot of energy, emit many shock waves, burn dust, make them glow and have a habit of consuming stars and debris. .

However, the VLA J2130 + 12 black hole is an exception, which is more strange than what we thought before about a black hole "- Bailey Tetarenko of the University of Alberta, Canada, the lead author of the study said. in a statement.

In addition, he argues that the VLA J2130 + 12 black hole is 7,200 light-years away from Earth and there are still many other stealthy black holes that have not yet been discovered that exist very close to their Earth. me.

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