NASA is about to announce the discovery of aliens?

Anonymous, the most notorious hacker group in the world has just posted a video on YouTube and a post on the official site confirmed that NASA, the US Aerospace Agency, is preparing to publish findings of life on the ground. fine.

Anonymous, the most notorious hacker group in the world has just posted a video on YouTube and a post on the official site confirmed that NASA, the US Aerospace Agency, is preparing to publish findings of life on the ground. fine.

  1. The Mexican government announced the evidence that people used to communicate with aliens
  2. NASA admits the spaceship was flying as fast as a bullet hit by UFOs

They affirmed that, in a recent meeting of the US Council for Science, Technology and Space, Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA spokesman, revealed this information. Professor Zurbuchen once said: 'We are on the way to discover evidence of aliens in the universe. When synthesizing all the different spatial activities and missions to search for aliens, we are about to create one of the most unprecedented discoveries in history. '

According to Anonymous, all recent NASA achievements in the search for extraterrestrial life, including the discovery of the presence of hydrogen on Saturn's moon Enceladus are mentioned by Professor Zurbuchen. In the home page post, the hacker group said: ' The evidence almost certainly indicates that something is happening in our sky, more than what is publicly available to the people. . '

It is not possible to determine how much information Anonymous discloses and how credible it is. We can only wait for official NASA statements.

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