Horror cases of living with corpses
Keeping the dead next to them without "burial" is a joke but it turns out that it's not rare in history. Besides some people who do not accept the death of their loved ones or are simply a sick hobby, there are cases that are masterminds of horrifying murder.
Here are the cases where the living person keeps the body of the next person and lives like a normal person that makes you "chilling".
1. The mother lives with her son's corpse for 20 years without knowing it
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Rita Wolfensohn, a blind woman living in Brooklyn did not find out that her son died at home and lived with his son's corpse for 20 years without knowing it because too much garbage was covered. the smell of decaying.
When discovered, Wolfensohn's son's skeleton was still intact, wearing jeans, a jacket, socks and lying on a cushion on the second floor.
2. Keep your boyfriend's body beside for 18 months
Horror cases of living with corpses Picture 2 Charles Zigler while still alive.
Charles Zigler, a 67-year-old man who lives with his girlfriend Linda Chase, is 72 years old. In December 2010, Mr. Zigler died but Mrs. Linda did not inform the authorities that she had the body of a boyfriend sitting on a chair in the living room, wearing glasses like watching television.
18 months later, Zigler's death was discovered by the police. Ms. Linda still receives the monthly allowance of her boyfriend who died during that time.
3. Transform your wife into a "doll"
Horror cases of living with corpses Picture 3 Mr. Van and his wife's body.
Mr. Le Van, a Vietnamese man, was very distressed when his wife died in 2003. Initially, Mr. Van dug a tunnel deep into the grave to sleep with his wife. In November 2004, Mr. Van decided to dig a grave and bring his wife home to put in a statue of plaster and cement. He even wore clothes and a lipstick for the statue.
Every day, he still slept in the same bed with his dead wife.
4. 10 years of living with dead husband and twin sister
Horror cases of living with corpses Picture 4 Mrs. Jean took the picture of her husband.
In 2000, when Jean Stevens's husband died, she still had a twin sister, June, to vote for her. But in 2009, her sister also died, Jean felt lonely and decided to dig a grave, bring the body of her husband and sister to go home to see, chat with them.
The body of the husband was dressed in a black sweater over a white shirt, a blue tie, and sat on an old chair. And her sister's body was placed in an empty room. Mrs. Jean sprayed perfume and talked to two corpses every day.
5. Wife keeps her husband for 3 years to pray again
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A widow in Russia decided to keep the body of her husband after he died in 2009 in his apartment. Every day, she prayed and asked her 5 children to chat and give their bodies to eat. She believes that her husband can revive. Three years later, the incident was just sung when her two children decided to bury her father's body when her family moved.
6. Keep the body in the refrigerator for 6 years
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Tian Xueming, a man who lives in Chongqing, China has kept his body in the refrigerator for 6 years. After his son died of white blood disease, he and his wife took a bath, put on their clothes and brought the corpse into a cold ice box for preservation. Before that, he and his wife had lost a daughter due to sudden death.
7. Carl Tanzler, the doctor who lives with the corpse in the dream of 7 years
Horror cases of living with corpses Picture 7 Doctor Tanzler.
In April 1930, Dr. Carl Tanzer fell in love with the beautiful black-haired woman Elena de Hoyos despite having a wife and child. He used many unorthodox methods to cure her but still failed. Elena de Hoyos died in October 1931, when he was 22 years old.
Doctor Tanzler designed his tomb for his dreamers and sat by her coffin every night to chat. In a hallucination, he saw Elena responding to his feelings and begged him to unearth her body.
Soon after, Tanzler dug graves and brought Elena's body home. He fixed the parts of the body with a piano string, attached a fake glass eye, and a wig made of Elena's own hair when she was alive. To keep the body longer, Tanzler had waxed all over Elena's body.
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Before being discovered and arrested, Dr. Tanzler lived together, flock and talked with Elena's body every night for 7 years.
8. The man left his wife's body in bed more than five months
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The 68-year-old Howard Lewis kept his wife's corpse in bed, where she lay while dying for five months. During that time, he continued to work at a store, when asked about his wife, he always answered that she was fine. The incident was revealed when police checked the house because no one saw his wife for five months.
- Close-up of the transformation of the human body after death
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