Learn 10 times faster if you try these 5 tips

Let's TipsMake.com find out about 5 tips to help you learn 10 times faster!
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Have you ever tried to sit down trying to find out something about work or study and then wonder if there is any way you can learn faster without forgetting what you have learned? Fortunately, this article will reveal to you that.The following 5 tips not only help you learn faster but also remember longer . Invite you to consult!

1. Divide the problem into small pieces

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Honestly, when starting to learn about a new knowledge, it is certainly not easy at all. You will begin to read the relevant information but sometimes, there are a few points that make you feel confusing and entangled. No matter what you do, you can't find a way to solve the problem.

When you encounter this situation, your first reaction will be to try to find the point that makes you stuck. But you don't know that, that's making your learning a beat slow. One of the two results will happen: one is that you cannot find the answer, and the second is that it will take a long time to solve the question. Instead, divide the problem into small pieces , solve them individually; After that, join them together.

2. Practice until it becomes a habit before starting a new one

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Surely all of us have dozens of things to do and improve ourselves, such as: wanting to lead a healthier eating habit, going to bed early or going to the gym. There are even times when I have determined to do it myself to achieve the goal, but then at some point, everything seems to come back as before.

The best way to accomplish your goal is: everyday, practice getting your brain to get used to a job , which will gradually become an irreplaceable habit. The benefit of this is to direct your brain to a single task, and the brain will not be distracted by thousands of other things. Initially, this can be frustrating, but once you have created a habit it will be easy to reach and accomplish new goals.

3. Every day learn a little better than cramming once

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We are trying to cram a huge amount of information within a short period of time, especially college students, people who often " jump to the feet ". However, think after watching the exam, how much knowledge do you remember? Definitely not much.

Learning as well as enjoying a meal, eating it little by little and having a pause for your body to absorb, the brain receives the best when people learn by repeating . Try sitting for 6 hours continuously, then review what you've learned to remember how much in it? I'm sure you won't remember much, unless you have a superhuman memory. On the other hand, if you study a little bit every day, then surely when you review, you will remember almost all the previous knowledge. This requires a strong determination.

4. At the beginning, try a variety of methods and when you get used to it, use a single method

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When you begin to discover something new, try to try all kinds of methods, including methods that make you feel excited. When you know which is best for yourself, use only that way. You will probably find some points when things are starting to level or have a steady state. This is the time you need to step back and think about what you have done. Everything will change now, it's time to convert everything to help yourself progress every day.

5. Seek advice to avoid repeating the same error

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When learning anything new, making mistakes is inevitable. For some individuals, it will be difficult to get support from another person to find a mistake and get advice on what to do to avoid repeating the same error, but this is a very important thing. When things get messed up, the best way is by supporting observation from others. Ask someone who can guide you and give you the best advice.

Hope these 5 tips can be helpful to you. You will certainly see a significant difference in being able to learn new things more quickly. Good luck!

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