If you think hard is an essential element to success, you are wrong!
There is a common proverb that most of us know is, you need to work harder and suffer more hurt than anyone if you want to succeed.
But actually, this is only half true. I personally agree with the notion that hard work and perseverance are a part of success but only serve as a necessary condition, not a reason for success.
If you think hard is an essential element to success, you are wrong! Picture 1
From what I have learned in those who have achieved much success in both life and career, one of the " interesting moments " especially when recognizing hard work is not enough to succeed , but when it's a waste of your time and energy.
Based on this point of view, I have synthesized three important things, which sometimes are more important than hard work when I want to achieve success.
1. Purpose
If you think hard is an essential element to success, you are wrong! Picture 2
You used to go down to the basement so deep that you may not even remember WHY.
If you study all those who are considered to be failures in this world ( especially when they think so ), you will find that their life lacks a common factor: purpose .
They don't know where they will go. They also didn't know why they did what they were doing and didn't think if there was a reason to explain all that. They themselves only pursue short-term desires such as food or sex and they are the only thing keeping them moving.
They only operate according to an instinct of an animal. Therefore, they are not able to carry out long-term thoughts or personal analysis as a person.
There is no need to scrutinize each failure case to find a disease that lacks purpose . If you are not constantly aware, you will realize that you are doing something that does not understand why you do it.
Motivation can be a good friend, but also one of your friends will consume dozens of times if you don't pay attention. Every time you start doing something, remember that you will continue to do it for the rest of your life. Of course, unless some internal or external factor reminds you to do something else.
On the other hand, when you start working without knowing what the expected results are, it can take hours or days of hard work to realize it is something you should not do.
If you want to achieve your goals, don't be a busy and hardworking person. Be a hardworking person who plans and only does things with purpose .
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2. Self-development
If you think hard is an essential element to success, you are wrong! Picture 3
Develop yourself 10 times harder than when you do other things, you'll feel you're moving 10 times faster to get close to what you want.
Most of the hard work you have to do to achieve success is to focus on replacing your daily routines and habits with the good habits of successful people. By carefully reviewing the method of working, you can change the results you achieve, the value provided and the way of looking at yourself and others.
If you can do a practice and routine program like Bruce Lee, from day to day, there is no doubt that someday you can become a remarkable martial arts. is not?
So why should follow those who have achieved great success at work? Think about what happens if you integrate daily tasks and habits to help others open the door to the strength and creativity they need to succeed in work or life?
Literally, you can begin to show everything from today and achieve amazing results immediately. The only requirement is to throw aside your old habits and your limitations. Create space for new habits. However, you should also consider carefully before throwing away; If you don't recognize weeds between flowers, you won't be able to spit them out.
Success is not achieved by chasing old habits, but by letting them go and building a new habit in that position.
See also: Top 11 skills needed to be at age 24
3. Trust
If you think hard is an essential element to success, you are wrong! Picture 4
If you do not have the trust you will not be able to get what you want, you can work day and night but never succeed. Sometimes, all those gaps can separate us from the goal in mind. If you eliminate these psychological barriers, you will find that just reaching out can grab what you are pursuing for so long.
As long as you do not believe that you can achieve success, you will always defend and avoid. Simply because you are uncomfortable or even afraid to get something you don't think you can get, or become someone you don't believe you can become.
If you eliminate negative beliefs about what YOU CAN have and become, your reality will change in the blink of an eye.
The three essential things just mentioned above also require hard work and concentration, but the fatigue, failures and hours of digging that it will save you are invaluable.
Refer to some more articles:
- 19 passive ways to make money even when sleeping
- 10 ways to make a good impression right from the first meeting
- If you want to succeed, remember these 15 things carefully
Having fun!
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- [Infographic] The reasons you should 'run away' from work on weekends
- 13 bad habits need to be removed to work more effectively in 2019
- To succeed, change the style of behavior in the workplace
- Do not work hard, work smart!
- People succeed, what do they do on Sunday night?
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