You won't want to admit 13 signs that you're wasting your life below

It will be difficult to admit but be honest with yourself. You can change. The first thing to change is to eliminate the idea that you cannot do anything. A lot when the biggest obstacle is your thoughts. Start from there, change your mind, change your life.

When you were a child, did you always want to be an astronaut, a singer or an engineer when you grew up? If so, what are you doing now? Hopefully everything goes as you dream. But unfortunately, for most people, the answer is no. Here are 13 signs that you are wasting your life. It will be difficult to admit but be honest with yourself.

1. You spend time doing things that you should not do

Gaming. Watch reality TV shows. Surf the web. Eat too much. Drink too much. For each person the problem is different, but this list is long. Look at your life more seriously. Most of the time you spend to do? Is it worth it? Does it help bring a better life? Is it the foundation for a bright future? If the answer is no, you need to re-evaluate your daily activities and change immediately.

You won't want to admit 13 signs that you're wasting your life below Picture 1You won't want to admit 13 signs that you're wasting your life below Picture 1

2. You complain too much

There are people who often feel overwhelmed. Are you the same person? Do you often complain about your job, your boss, your salary, your neighbors or your partner? If so, in fact, all you are doing is creating a negative energy source. Negative does not help change anything. It just makes you feel stuck.Change your thoughts and talk about what you feel respectful in your life, instead of complaining about what you don't like.

3. You don't nourish the mind

If you don't continue to learn and grow, you're restraining yourself - like an uncontrolled prison, never moving and just growing green moss on it. That's exactly what will happen to your mind if you don't actively learn new things. Positive challenges in life will help expand your mind.

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4. You repeat yourself negatively

Talking to yourself can create life and can also ruin your life. As Henry Ford once said: "Even if you think you can or can't, you're right." If you tell yourself that you're not smart enough to advance or start a business, you're right. If you consider yourself tired and exhausted to try to change your life, you're right.

No matter what I tell myself, all of them will come true. So control what you tell yourself because you will realize that life will happen in the way you think.

5. You feel not inspired

Do you ever feel passionate about what? There are many people who think they have no passion at all but that is not true. Surely there is always something you feel like and really have fun. Discover things that make you excited and do them more.

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6. You do not plan for the future

Whether it is true that we often say "live for the present" or "enjoy the moment now", sometimes we need to look forward to see where we will go in the future. If there is no goal or plan, you will be like an indefinite boat on the ocean hoping you can dock in a good place. Just as GPS helps to find the destination, you need GPS inside the person you lead in life.

7. You spend a lot of time with people who don't help you grow

It's easy to get stuck on people who don't make you feel better. If you continue like this, you will also restrain yourself and become like them. I like to call them energy vampires. They drain your life and in return, bring nothing positive. Instead, find and interact with people who are development oriented.

8. You are addicted to the phone

Sure, mobile phones are extremely interesting things and make us mesmerized when using them. However, think about the time you spent using them. Worse, think about relationships that might be affected by them. Be it texting or surfing the web while having dinner with your spouse or children. If you do, you are missing out on a valuable time with someone you love - or perhaps the time you can spend planning for the future.

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9. You spend money on things that are not important

There is a huge gap between what we "need" and what we "want". Surely we all learn it in kindergarten. But in today's society, the boundary between them is more or less erased (see the example of mobile phones in article 8). In fact, there are people who, although unable to pay the debt, still have the best items in the world.

If you stop for a bit to think about it, you'll find there are very few things we really need. Food, water, shelter and love are some of them. All but another thing is just extra. So review how you spend your money and see if you can make any adjustments. You may want to save for investment in your future.

10. You don't get enough sleep

Although not a doctor, there are enough articles and books that tell you the importance of sleep - an extremely essential activity to stay healthy. If you are too busy or simply sleep habits incorrectly or often stay up late, you should change your habits.

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11. You don't take care of yourself

Not only sleep, food and exercise are also important for health. Maybe not you don't know this but having a balanced and healthy diet, regular physical activity will actually have a positive effect on the body. It also has an impact on attitudes and general health. So review your diet and exercise routine. You will realize that a few small changes can also make huge improvements in life.

12. You never leave your safe zone

Everyone knows that living in a safe area is very comfortable. The truth is that many people who eat at the restaurant always call the same thing. Not that we are afraid to try new things but simply like what we often use. However, it is not the "safe zone" that I want to talk about.

What I want to talk about is the ability to take risks to improve lives. Keep in mind that there is always a difference between "risk" and "projected risk". Any risk means being completely capable of causing "deadly" things, but an anticipated risk is when you have considered all options and from there, you will make the right actions. Please refer to the ways to get out of the safe zone in this article.

13. You live the life you don't like

What I use to measure success is the level of happiness. Are you happy If not, you should change something. Even feeling of satisfaction does not mean you are living the most fulfilling life. Life must be extremely interesting and enjoyable. So if you don't feel comfortable enjoying your present life, see what you can change to improve.

You won't want to admit 13 signs that you're wasting your life below Picture 6You won't want to admit 13 signs that you're wasting your life below Picture 6

If anything in the 13 above is true for you, don't feel disappointed. You can change. The first thing to change is to eliminate the idea that you cannot do anything. A lot when the biggest obstacle is your thoughts. Start from there, change your mind, change your life.

Author: Carol Morgan

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