Instructions for rounding numbers on Casio calculators
Rounding numbers on Casio calculators makes it easier for students to calculate and read results for faster calculations. When rounding numbers, calculations are also performed with greater accuracy, without affecting the results or calculations performed later. Below are instructions for rounding numbers on a Casio calculator.
How to round numbers on Casio FX 570 calculator
The steps below apply to Casio FX 570ES, Casio FX 570ES PLUS and Casio FX 570VN models.
Step 1:
We press SHIFT and then press the Mode button . Then press number 6 to select FIX mode . Now the screen displays for you to enter the number of decimals you want to display when rounding , in the range from 0 to 9.
Instructions for rounding numbers on Casio calculators Picture 1
Step 2:
Enter the range of numbers you want to round , then press the = key to display the results . Press the SD key (convert between decimal and fraction) to perform rounding.
Instructions for rounding numbers on Casio calculators Picture 2
How to round numbers on Casio 580VNX calculator
Step 1:
We press the SHIFT key and then select MODE mode . Then you will press number 3 to select the number format mode on the computer.
Instructions for rounding numbers on Casio calculators Picture 3
Step 2:
Continue pressing number 1 to select FIX mode , then enter the number of decimal places you want to display when rounding , choose from 0 to 9.
Instructions for rounding numbers on Casio calculators Picture 4
Step 3:
We enter the fraction or decimal number we want to round and then press the = key to display the result. Press the SD key (convert between decimal and fraction) to perform rounding.
Instructions for rounding numbers on Casio calculators Picture 5
How to turn off automatic rounding on Casio calculator
If you do not want to use the automatic rounding mode on your Casio calculator, you can reset the calculator to return the modes to the original.
We press the SHIFT key and then press the number 9 key to access the reset menu on the computer. Continue, click 3 to select reset mode on the Casio computer. Press the = key to agree to reset the Casio device. Finally press the AC key to reset the computer.
Resetting a Casio computer will erase all the settings you have placed on the computer, so we need to save the settings you want.
You should read it
- Instructions for resetting Casio calculator to its original state
- CASIO FX-570MS computer simulation software
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