In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future

Forget Math, Physics, Chemistry ... go, here are 7 things parents should let their children learn to succeed in the future

In our view, the nature of school is the place where you can learn the knowledge from humanity to prepare for your life later. In most schools only teaching cultural subjects such as math, foreign languages, literature, etc. Will these subjects be enough for you to grow up? In fact, in addition to some basic knowledge, most of what our children learn at school is completely "useless".

Why "useless"? This knowledge is only enough for me to apply to learning and improving knowledge. It is almost impossible to apply in everyday life situations, such as self-saving skills when lost or behaving appropriately for everyone. Therefore, in addition to the aforementioned cultural subjects, parents should propose schools for these 7 subjects to be compulsory subjects for their most comprehensive development.

1. Survival class

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 1In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 1

With the modern technology development time, we can easily update new trends in technology faster than how to create fire without asking Google. But what if we now return to live in the primitive time, without electricity, without computers and without fire, can we survive?

So, useful skills that are essential to teaching children to survive include: first reflexes, fire creation, shelter, using emergency tools, weather forecasting.

2. First aid classes for yourself and everyone

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 2In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 2

Besides learning how to treat wounds in different situations, the class also includes the first reaction, safety risks, and alternative medicine. Learning how to CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) should be compulsory for all students participating in the course. Following the first class, this class should be more in depth to teach how to assist in trauma cases.

3. Classes of housework

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 3In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 3

The housework class is a class that will be very interesting, do not think this class is only suitable for girls but the boys also need to learn through it. With a lot of work, most parents spend too much time on their work with little regard for their children, which leads to an increase in obesity. This class will help children to take better care of themselves when there is no parent, know how to clean and maintain the house, such as window welding, keep the room cool and warm depending on the season, prevent prevent rodents and prevent the destruction of pests.

4. Communication etiquette class

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 4In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 4

A culture of polite behavior and culture is a necessity for each of us. Children are future preschools, and young children often absorb those moral standards and lessons quickly so we need to educate children about a sense of concentration, minimal politeness. and appropriate social behavior. This is a necessary job if we want to have good people for the future.

5. Emotional intellectual class

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 5In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 5

Emotional intelligence (EI - Emotional intelligence) is an emotion that affects people's health and spirit, especially many young children. This class not only helps children learn mental and psychological disorders, but also helps them adapt and be more sensitive to their surroundings.

6. Cooking class

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 6In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 6

As well as housework, cooking is also an important and essential thing for us. With this cooking class, you will be able to learn and apply kitchen skills. Besides, they can learn to cook simple dishes to take care of themselves when there are no parents in the care party.

7. Financial management class

In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 7In addition to Math, Physics, Chemistry ... the following 7 subjects will help you be successful in the future Picture 7

Finance is an essential part of our lives. So this class will let you know how to manage your finances and understand the value of how hard your money is to make them appreciate and use your money most effectively. Finance is also a decisive factor for the success or failure of each of us.

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