7 reasons why smart, hardworking people still fail
Many people believe that people who are smart , hardworking , developed in a good environment are sure to succeed with them, but that is not necessarily a necessity for success.
Try to remember simple things when you were in high school, when things were much simpler. Do you remember who is the best student in class?
People always assume that one day he can change the world! They often get an A in the report and are always praised. So people often talk about things that person will achieve on a future day.
But then time quickly passed, 10 years, 20 years, until today, you still don't see them doing anything " spectacular " at all. So why?
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Why are people who are smart, hardworking, and successful in their work not stand out from other ordinary people?
Surely, you know someone like that. Or . that person may be YOU.
I used to think that intelligence with hard work is all that is needed to succeed. But it turned out that wasn't always true. Because to achieve success, you need to have many other factors, it can be good luck , dare to dare to do, good relationships, or just a healthy life, and of course weak Smart and hardworking elements are also among them. Success in life is the overall result of all the above factors.
And here are 7 reasons why smart , hardworking people have not found success despite always trying their best:
1. Stumbled into contact with new friends
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Let's face this. Is it easy to stick with people you know for a long time? You and your close friends know each other's past well and can laugh at words that no one can understand its deep meaning. However, if you just sit with long-term acquaintances, meaning those who share the same idea, the story will circle, which you and they have listened to and heard many times and you will not get the perspective New look outside your "bubble".
While close friends are really worth it, it's important to meet and get acquainted with new people. At first, you may find it difficult to make friends with a stranger but you can do it every small step.
Always try from the smallest goals, such as spending a little time each week to interact with new friends . New friends will give us new, useful knowledge and interesting things that you may not know. Always expand your relationship!
Remember, success is always formed from small things.
2. Conservative
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If you live only in a familiar environment, it will be difficult for you to adapt to new things. You need to change your current habits so you can create new opportunities and new steps in the future.
Instead of always conserving your opinions, always thinking that your thoughts are right, then why don't you try listening to others' advice or see how you need to change to improve yourself? Be open to ideas from others, new concepts to see for yourself the best way to learn and work.
Always learn about the world around you. Maybe it's a new business opportunity or an event that changes your life somewhere right here. Learning to get used to them, you will be more successful.
3. Not brave enough to take risks
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There are two types of risk: " blind risk " is when something is done simply to find suspense or excitement about a terrible consequence of long-term potential, and "the risk has been calculated. Math "is when potential losses occur, but its good sides are great and can change lives.
I think we will all agree with the anticipation of the risks we may have.
But smart people don't choose either, because they choose to follow a safe path . They can follow the path of other colleagues or choose a simple career, because they are not strong enough to welcome new challenges.
There are many people who are smart but have to do things that they are not interested and passionate about. They also want to change but are afraid to face risks. On the contrary, when working in a safe way, it means that they will have less chance of achieving success.
4. Believe that you deserve to be successful based on what they know
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The diligent learners at school are often praised by others, impressed by a series of achievements and towering scores. They were accustomed to standing at the top and were praised for their ability.
It looks like that is a good thing, but it is not so, they can have quite serious consequences. Many students claim that they deserve to be successful because they are smart or trained in a good school. They expect success will come to them because of the knowledge they accumulated in the school. However, the fact that success is only based on the combination of how hard you have worked, your strategic thinking and even a little luck .
5. Always pursue big things
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One thing I often hear from people who have achieved so much that they don't like to spend time wasting. All smart people are often too focused on their time value, when spending time and effort doing something means they have missed something else.
While this may be an important factor, it may also entail a bad habit of pursuing big things but not following along. When you start a certain task, you may be in trouble, but be patient with those challenges and then you'll get a worthy result.
Keep in mind that focusing your efforts on a goal will always yield a more fulfilling result than doing a job but then feel depressed and give up , then start a job again. new. You will not be able to succeed if you keep yourself working like that.
6. Cannot commit to making a decision.
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Smart and hardworking can open a lot of doors for you. People often think this is a good thing, but this has many limitations like having fewer choices. But when there are too many choices, you find it difficult to make your own decisions. Practice thoughtful thinking before making your final decision.
When there are so many choices that can make it difficult to decide what to do, as a result, you are dragged around to see "what you fit in with . " Many people choose to spend a lot of time to study many fields, fields in universities, this class connects other classes. But after years of studying, they still can't find what they are trying to do.
Instead of putting more effort into many things, you should check carefully before doing that. Share your problem with others and think carefully before making a decision about something important, so you know what is the right choice for your personality and lifestyle. If you only understand the problem superficially, then sit back and see yourself!
7. Not confident in yourself
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Surprisingly, smart people often underestimate their ability . They become critics too strict for themselves, so they always assume that they don't get anything even if they can absolutely do it.
At work, smart people often set themselves very high standards . Whenever implementing a project, they tend to review, scrutinize and conjecture what the final outcome will look like. This may sound very helpful, but the fact that you regress rather than be useful. Because perfectionism can prevent us from moving towards their goal or getting us back to the starting line.
So, instead of just asking yourself questions like " if . " or " I can't afford it " that you don't dare to try new things, try it. Working on it is more than always trying to do everything perfectly. Let's start and don't hesitate!
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