The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know

Before you think about success, you need to commit to giving up these 8 habits.

Each person's concept and path to success are different but there are always common points that can be clearly seen.

In the book "The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common" (8 common points of successful people), author Richard St. John conducted interviews with more than 500 very successful people from Bill Gates, Richard Branson to Ben Cohen or Martha Stewart; then, gathering notes from each game into a complete database to analyze more than 300 factors that could lead to success and he found that he liked what he did, worked hard, practiced. focus on one thing (not everything), always motivate yourself, give good ideas, continuously improve yourself and work, treat others well and be persistent, persistence is 8 The core factor creates the great success they achieve.

10 years ago, I met a girl about 12 years old born in a poor family. When I typed in the computer, she asked, "Are you successful?"

I said, "No, I didn't succeed." Then suddenly thinking of Terry Fox - my hero - losing a leg to cancer and running thousands of kilometers to establish a million-dollar fund for cancer research, I decided to tell her something that I did it, such as a marketing award or participated in 50 7 continental marathon competitions.

"Well, I guess you had some success, too."

"So are you a millionaire?"

At that time, I didn't know what to say because when I was growing up, it was weird to talk about money. But I think, it's better to be honest with children.

"Yes, you're a millionaire. But you've never followed the money, it's not important to you."

"Not with you, but with you. I don't want to be poor all my life, I want to rise . But I never did."

"Well, why not?"

"You know, I'm not smart, don't study well at school."

"Well then, I'm not smart either. You stopped back in high school. Nothing perfect happened to you."

"So, how to succeed after all?"

However, the problem is that many people do not know what they like, can not concentrate, persistence, lack of ideas and it is important to continuously lose motivation because they themselves cannot find something important. important to work hard. So how to succeed with the above 8 elements?

Simply, to succeed, you are forced to end 8 things below and commit to change now. Maybe, you have just created the foundation to apply the above 8 tips to achieve the set goal.

1. Don't expect perfection

Often, we are easily discouraged by things that happen unexpectedly, stressed by small things or even torment ourselves whenever we make mistakes. This happens because you expect too big, perfection, love perfection and want things to be as you think.

The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 1The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 1

However, you need to know that there is nothing perfect in life and it is normal to make mistakes. Anyone can make mistakes and thanks to them you have a chance to grow up. Start by saying that you will try as hard as you can, because after all, you don't have to compete with anyone except yourself.

In addition, being stressed out when you can't control things or getting upset because of trivial things doesn't make the situation better, not to mention that they also negatively affect your health and make you less lucid to find the most reasonable solution.

2. Don't say yes when you want to say no

People are animals with a need to socialize, we want to interact with others and want to feel like a part of the community, or become special with a certain individual besides the trend. Try to please those around you.

Have you ever tried to help a colleague even though you really can't afford to do it, or lend someone a loan while the money in your pocket isn't enough to lend?

In order not to feel guilty, people often do not want to give a refusal even if they know for themselves that it is difficult to meet the proposal. But, do not doubt your hunch and boldly refuse if you think you should.

Occasionally, denial is the best way to help you choose the priorities you need to do, show others your own rules and demand respect from them.

3. Don't torment yourself

Most of us have had negative thoughts and are often obsessed with past wrongdoings. The act of bullying someone at a young age, being fired or accidentally listening to others speak ill of you . All can be deep in your mind.

The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 2The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 2

However, the irony is that remembering those things and constantly tormenting yourself because those past mistakes didn't help. Instead, you should try to improve yourself so you don't make the same mistake.

If I ever told myself "I am not beautiful", "I am not intelligent", "I have done this horrible thing for 5 years and have never forgiven myself" or any thoughts Any other negative, stop it immediately.

4. Don't just worry about things ahead of you

Successful people understand very well the importance of planning. They set a plan every day, for each goal, budget and how to save money for the coming old age.

This does not mean they live in stress. On the contrary, they always have fun in every thing they do and the time they spend on work becomes more and more effective.

Therefore, don't just work hard for today but think about your tomorrow, the day after, the next week, the next month and your future for another 5 to 15 years. Once you start visualizing and thinking about yourself in the future, you will definitely know what you have to do to be like that.

5. Don't ignore the goals

You are a good person, you treat people well, doesn't mean good things will come to you. Because, success only comes to those who know how to work hard and part of it is to set reasonable goals.

The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 3The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 3

This is like not working hard enough every day, it's important to know how to manage time and set short-term and long-term goals to keep track of progress and motivation. striving.

6. Don't isolate yourself

Almost 100% of successful people never spend all their time on work. Because they understand that they also have family, pastimes and other passions.

We are often impressed with those who succeed (or appear successful) when they are so busy that they do not have free time and communicate with people around them. However, this is not always true.

Separating yourself from the community can kill you. In fact, many successful people have mastered the art of balance in life. They don't alienate the people they love just because they need to fulfill certain goals or ambitions. Instead, they bring people who are important to them to every given plan and goal.

7. Don't compare yourself to others

Successful people understand that the only person they have to compete with today is themselves yesterday. They do not want to compare themselves with others because it does not bring any benefit. However, they realize what is their weakness and really admire those who do what they themselves have not done yet.

The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 4The way to success: 8 things to ignore that many people know Picture 4

In addition, it is useless to compare yourself with others, it only harms your self-esteem and gives negative thoughts for a long time.

8. Don't live forever in the past

The past doesn't say who you are today, don't let them haunt you. Instead, define yourself with what you do in the present and what you aim for in the future.

Failure teaches us which ways are not effective, which points need to change and help us get closer to success. Choose for yourself a reasonable attitude, control it and keep trying. Remember, failure is also a feedback (feedback).

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