How to use 4 gold Auto Chess Mobile chess pieces

This is how to use the 4 gold generals in Auto Chess Mobile, including how to set generals to optimize the power of these 4 gold generals.

If you know how to use General 4 Gold Auto Chess Mobile, you can flip the bet easily. In this article, you will be able to effectively use the 4 gold in Auto Chess Mobile chess pieces, including skills and placing strategies in the current meta.

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How to effectively use General 4 Gold in Dota Auto Chess

Troll Warlord

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This is the best piece for tactics using Trolls and Warriors . When combined with other trolls will increase your attack speed. At the same time Passive Fervor will increase your attack speed to 1 target.

If you use more equipment to heal, Troll will easily confront the Tank generals and the Neutral Creeps in the game. Let Troll Warlord be the most effective, let Troll Warlord at the end of the formation and let some Tankers in front help protect and let Troll create as much damage as possible.

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Currently Troll's effect is currently one of the best choices in the game when it is possible to combine up to 4 different chess pieces. Each troll chess piece can combine the effect with the other chess pieces depending on their needs and tactics.

For example: Witch Doctor is a Warlock that can be combined with Shadow Fiend to regain more Life Steal effects. Shadow Fiend's damage is strong, so it is very suitable for 30% speed effect for allies.

Dragon Knight

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Being a strong chess player, can play well in a higher position in Knight's strategy. Dragon Knights need to be attacked if they want to turn into dragons.

However DK can turn dragon right at the beginning of the battle with 100 mana if you own other Species Dragons like Viper or Puck. At this point, you should leave Dragon Knight behind the formation as a Dame dealer to maximize the damage.


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Kunkka's Ghostship skill is one of the best AOE skills in the game. It may be equal to the Tsunami Stalker's Ravage because they all have the same amount of damage and are hard to control.

But Ghostship has a weakness: if you put Kunkka in the wrong position, this piece can be misused and not very effective, so Kunkka only costs 4 Gold.

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If you like to use hard controls, then dropping Kunkka is always a good way, although Kunkka doesn't match any Class or Species in your squad. If you put Kunkka in the right position in combination with Refresh Orb, you can simultaneously launch two boats into the opponent's lineup to take advantage of your teammates.

Kunkka works well with the Disable capable of keeping enemies at rest. The naval general should carry items that increase stamina and Refresh Orb. Enclosed is the first position of the formation to quickly recover mana and use Ghost Ship immediately.

Doom - Doom Arbiter

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Doom is a very good chess Demon and matches the strategy of using the Warrior Class with Ulti a very powerful single target.

If there is a position for Doom in the chessboard, it is a frontline position with a few pieces of equipment that can be hardened to prevent the enemy from using the skill. If you know how to use it, the battle will be reversed with Doom's Ulti.

However, using Doom to confront generals who know how to call may be difficult. Because it is a single target skill, it can be mistakenly used for summoning soldiers.

Lone Druid - Razorclaw

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Razorclaw is holding the number one Tanker position for some games when the general is easy to upgrade to 3 stars based on the Dryad Class. At the same time the Spirit Bear skill will help create a very summoned bear in a match.

Many gamers make the mistake of underestimating this bear, it not only attacks but also can lock down opponents with Passive Entangling Claws.

And if you follow the Dryad strategy, getting Razorclaw when Courier reaches level 5 will help your win rate to increase quite high.

If you don't follow the Dryad strategy, getting a 2-star Razorclaw is also a very good Tank general. Another thing is that Razorclaw is also very easy to upgrade to 3-star soldiers.

Disruptor - Storm Shaman

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Static Storm has the ability to block and deal damage on all enemies, and even a distant general, but Storm Shaman will have to equip a few pieces of armor and stand at the top of the front line to quickly recover mana. possible.

If you use Orc tactics, it will help Disruptor's blood improve significantly. In some prolonged situations, this piece can Cast Static Storm twice in 1 game.

You will have 2 extra CCs that are very useful when you go with Class Shaman. Currently, Disruptor is one of the high rank picks in Auto Chess because of the versatility of this chess piece.

Templar Assassin - Shining Assassin

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Being one of the best Assassins in the game when possessing a high survival ability with Refraction skill will increase damage and protect against some attacks. Shining Assassin is also quite dangerous if it falls into 1s1 situations.

Medusa - Siren

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Medusa with Ulti is quite useful at the late game stage but is still a not too strong skill. Along with the Species Marine effect combined with Tsunami Stalker will increase magic resistance for the whole team.

Necrophos - Soul Reaper

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This is an option to maximize the effect of the Warlock class. Special skills are healing the allies around this piece. In order to maximize the power, Soul Reaper should be upgraded to 2 stars.

Alchemist - Venomancer

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Venomancer helps to optimize damage to the formation using physical damage as a main attack. In addition, this is also a chess piece to complete Goblin effect to increase 15HP and 15 Armor for all Goblin chess pieces.

LightKeeper - Tortola Elder

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Tortola Elder is a bad choice when it comes to Late game when the general's skill is quite long and there is a risk of being sucked into if attacking the chess piece that is not in the same direction as the team. Tortola Elder can be placed in the corner of the board to optimize damage.

Hopefully the above 4 Gold generals guide will help you use Auto Chess Mobile's 4 gold generals most effectively.

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