Taking photos of food is probably not too strange for today's young people. Before every meal or a party, everyone took out their phones to make an important "procedure" that was to take photos of food to "offer" to their social networking sites before enjoying. That dish. Have you ever spent a lot of time shooting but the result is not as magical as you would like?

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To capture a picture of the food is always beautiful, very simple, as long as you apply the right recipes below, make sure your picture always attracts millions of likes on that social network.

1. Find a place with natural light sources

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Of course, natural light is always better than artificial light and the image is always more beautiful and sharper. So, when you want to take photos of dishes, you should choose places with natural light sources. However, it should not be taken in a place where direct sunlight will cause the image to be burned, it is best to choose a place with shadow and cool light to shoot.

2. If you can only shoot indoors, take a shot near the window

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If you have to shoot in the house, it's best to take a photo near the window, this place will give you the most natural light source so take advantage of it.

3. When shooting when it's dark, use the flash from another smartphone to light up

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When taking photos at night, many people are in the habit of turning on the flash right on their phones so that the picture can be seen more clearly. However, this method has unintentionally ruined your masterpiece, you should not use the flash of your phone but use the flash from another smartphone to light up, this will help the picture become shimmering than. Note: do not light too close to the dish because it will lose the natural. Place the flash in a position far enough to light up only.

4. Background is equally important

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To make the picture more beautiful and not bland, boring, you should use Backgrounds that are eye-catching colors or may be contiguous details such as a high-quality crockery or a special knife and fork. Add effects for photo shot. Use only the details that best match the meaning you want to convey.

5. Shooting from above is always the best choice

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For food photography, we can shoot from above to see the whole dish and the beautiful details decorated on that dish. For you, you absolutely should not use this method of shooting.

6. If the dish has a special ingredient, take it at a 45 degree angle

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With this shooting you will be able to admire the beauty that this dish creates. Set the focus point where the food will touch the disc.

7. If possible, take a picture of yourself (eg hand) to make it more vivid

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To make the picture more interesting and genuine, you can put your hand in that dish to make the picture more vivid and true.

8. Blurring the background will make the dish more prominent

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The main "owner" in the picture is a dish, not something else, so to highlight the dish, use an iPhone 7 Plus, and take advantage of the portrait feature to blur the background. . Certainly your food is extremely beautiful.

9. Display the dish before taking it

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Giving food is a very important thing, a regular pasta plate will look unattractive, but if you try to add spices or treat some herbs or color slices, make sure The dish will become more delicious.

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