5 ways to deal with bad people

The two wrongs don't make the right one - never deal with bad people by responding exactly to what they did to you.

The world is still full of bad guys (Difficult People) whether you are waiting for a bus, shopping in the supermarket, working in the office, at school, library, bookstore or anywhere. Those are impatient people, unable to control their emotions, being impatient, or angry, lack of empathy, selfishness and countless other adjectives that you can describe about them.

So what if you unfortunately "must" confront them? Should you respond with the same attitude, words and actions they did to you? Absolutely not! Instead, apply the following 5 ways to master all conflicts.

1. Keep your mind at ease

While it is difficult, it seems that being uncomfortable with such people will only make the situation worse. You need to try to control your emotions and if you see any signs of wanting to "explode", take a deep breath and count slowly from 1 to 10. This will help you realize the consequences of the act of responding to your opponent seriously much more weight than you can relax your body temporarily.

2. Accept some people who are different from you

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Understand and accept that the nature of some people has naturally been. They are very difficult to change. Therefore, you should not waste time and energy because of small things. If your colleague never cleaned the table after drinking coffee, don't rush to heat up with them. Choose the right time to talk directly and save energy at that time for more important "battles".

3. Distract the enemy with humor

An interesting way to make stress-free situations a joke, such as a joke or opening a funny video, is a good idea. In this way, the opponent will understand that you don't want the story to be more serious but want both of you to remain as comfortable as possible.

4. Don't lower others

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"Two wrongs don't make the right one." It is unacceptable for you to do bad things to others for revenge only. Because it is completely counterproductive and clear, your actions are too childish. Instead, be noble, "take a step back and take a step" and you will find the situation is much easier to deal with now.

5. Listen

See how dealing with a fastidious person is like you are facing a child who likes to act like a baby, crying and you can't seem to comfort him. Roughness only "adds oil to the fire".

It is better to listen to what they are saying (even if you feel very uncomfortable in your heart) and share that you fully understand their feelings. Do not lie just because you want to escape the conflict.

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