How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance?

Here are 6 ways to attract the opposite sex not by appearance. Invite you to consult!

From the point of view of human evolution it can be shown that most of us are often attracted to the people we think are as beautiful as those with a balanced face, white skin or big eyes. . such as. Because such people have good genes, good genes mean that babies are born healthy and beautiful.

Fortunately, however, there are simple tips to help you become attractive without the appearance. Even if you are born with a " no-good " appearance, it doesn't mean you have to accept your fate. Here are 6 ways to attract the opposite sex not by appearance . Invite you to consult!

1. Dating with your group

How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance? Picture 1How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance? Picture 1

Psychological scientists have discovered that: " You look more beautiful when you go with your friends ." This phenomenon is called the " cheerleader effect " - a phenomenon where people seem to look more attractive when they are in a group than when they are alone. A cheerleader effect occurs because the part of the human brain tends to normalize the face in the same group rather than looking at each subject separately. This is very beneficial for those who look less attractive, leading to the idea that you try to go with someone who has " less than normal" characteristics that complement your characteristics ( for example, one The eyes of a baby with a big eye - will be considered more attractive when standing side by side ).

This effect is scientifically proven from a study published on Psychological Science ( Walker & Vul, 2013 ). The study found that both men and women are considered sexier when traveling in a group.

2. Around a place close to closing

How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance? Picture 2How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance? Picture 2

In a 1979 article by researchers at the University of Virginia: " There is a lot of research showing that in a bar, heterosexual individuals are often attracted to each other ." A recent study in 2010 also confirmed that customers in a bar find the enemy " especially attractive " when the shop is about to close ( in case the observer is in single status, no There is no binding relationship .

3. Laugh more

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The same areas of the brain will be activated when people receive rewards. This area of ​​the brain, called the ocular cortex ( medial orbitofrontal cortex ), will be attracted when people see a beautiful face. One research team said that when using a brain scanner, those reactions are more common when meeting a smiling person.

Besides, the structure of teeth is also an important thing. A British research group said: " White teeth and all seem to make them much more attractive; because it is a sign of good health, this in women means high fertility. ".

4. Wearing red clothes

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Red is the color of the heart, the rose and the color of love. A study of " red effects " indicates that both men and women are looking at the opposite sex when they wear red. In some experiments, researchers at the University of Rochester showed women looking at photos of the same man wearing different colored shirts and they observed the reaction of this person. Similarly, an experiment for men was also conducted to quantify this effect. The results in both cases were that participants were more eager when the person in the picture wore red.

It can be seen that, part of this can be derived because we have long considered the red color associated with royal colors, so we often associate it with power. For women, these reactions are more biologically biased. According to a statement from a university: " Research has shown that non-human male primates, especially attracted by red females. For example, baboons and elf Common female sperm are red when they are about to ovulate, which helps them create a signal to send to the same male .

5. Change altitude in the voice

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The way we talk to each other also plays an important part in attracting the opponent's gaze. In a study at the University of London, researchers found that women with high voice were thought to be more attractive, because it showed that the person had a rather small body. On the other hand, the boys should aim at a female bass, because this shows that the person has a muscular appearance, especially less aggressive.

6. Express funny personality

How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance? Picture 6How to attract the opposite sex not by appearance? Picture 6

Researcher Eric Bresslerm of Westfield University discovered that both men and women love the enemy with a sense of humor, but the requirements of each gender are different. Women often like men who can make them laugh, while men like women who can laugh because of their jokes ( because men don't care much about women's sense of humor ).

In another study by French scientist Nicolas Guéguen instructed men in the bar to learn how to speak or not to say a joke to their friend while sitting next to a woman's table. Men who tell jokes three or more times make sure they want to ask for the number of the enemy.

The psychologist Gil Greengross explained on an article published on Psychology Today that: " The influence of humor in attracting women's eyes can be explained as follows: humor often takes off open and smarter; this is a request for women to choose a mate . "

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  1. 9 psychological tricks to help you become "interesting and interesting communication"
  2. Why is it foolish to say that when you love the smartest women?
  3. 25 things women say often make men misunderstand

Having fun!

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