Looking for answers to the question: Cats really like to eat fish?

Most people assume that cats like to eat fish. But according to experts, fish is not the favorite, favorite food of cats, even fish is not good food for cats.

Most people assume that cats like to eat fish. But according to experts, fish is not the favorite, favorite food of cats, even fish is not good food for cats.

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Cats are innate assassins on land, they hate water, so why do they like to eat fish, animals that live only in the water?

Looking for answers to the question: Cats really like to eat fish? Picture 1Looking for answers to the question: Cats really like to eat fish? Picture 1

According to researchers, cats have been eating fish for more than 1,000 years and ancient Egyptians - who first domesticated cats into domestic pets fed them fish.

Historical documents show that the Egyptians used fish to lure cats into the house, and also only fed them fish. At that time, cats accepted to eat fish and thus formed habits and maintained until today.

Most animals synthesize taurine, a form of amino acid that helps regulate heart rate, fertility and digestibility but cats do not. Therefore, they need to find an alternative supply and that is the different species of meat in the fish.

Looking for answers to the question: Cats really like to eat fish? Picture 2Looking for answers to the question: Cats really like to eat fish? Picture 2 Cats like to eat all kinds of meat, not just fish

But cats are predators by nature, so they eat many other meats in addition to fish. What explains why cats do not like to eat fish at all.

But fish is not a good cat food.

Whether you like it or not, the fish is not really a cat food as everyone thinks. If you eat too much cat fish, you are more likely to get a urinary tract infection (UTIs). This is one of the reasons why cats are misbehaving.

It may sound funny but there are actually some cats that are allergic to fish, because the cat's evolutionary nature is not about eating fish.

In short, cats love all kinds of meat, even the same fish. And because, fish is a bad food for cats, you should limit fish rations, just give them 1 or 2 times a week.

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