The account_billing URL will be used to extract the user's account and access_token, which will then be used in the Facebook Graph API call to steal data from the user's Ads Manager settings.
The call to the Facebook Graph API is as follows:{account_id}?_reqName=adaccount&_reqSrc=AdsPaymentMethodsDataLoader&fields=%5B%22all_payment_methods%7Bpayment_method_altpays%7Baccount_id%2Ccountry%2Cc 7D% 2Cpm_credit_card% 7Baccount_id% 2Ccredential_id% 2Ccredit_card_address% 2Ccredit_card_type% 2Cdisplay_string% 2Cexp_month% 2Cexp_year% 2Cfirst_name% 2Cis_verified% 2Clast_name% 2Cmiddle_name% 2Ctime_created% 2Cneed_3ds_authorization% 2Callow_manual_3ds_authorization% 2Csupports_recurring_in_india% 7D% 2Cpayment_method_direct_debits% 7Baccount_id% 2Caddress% 2Ccan_verify% 2Ccredential_id% 2Cdisplay_string% 2Cfirst_name% 2Cis_awaiting% 2Cis_pending% 2Clast_name% 2Cmiddle_name% 2Cstatus% 2Ctime_created% 7D% 2Cpayment_method_extended_credits% 7Baccount_id% 2Cbalance% 2Ccredential_id% 2Cmax_balance% 2Ctype% 2Cpartitioned_from% 2Csequential_liability_amount% 7D% 2Cpayment_method_paypal% 7Baccount_id% 2Ccredential_id% 2Cemail_address% 2Ctime_created% 7D % 2Cpayment_method_stored_balances% 7Baccount_id% 2Cbalance% 2Ccredential_id% 2Ctotal_fundings% 7D% 2Cpayment_method_tokens% 7Baccount_id% 2Ccredential_id% 2Ccurrent_balance% 2Coriginal_balance% 2Ctime_created% 2Ctime_expire% 2Ctype% 7D% 7D% 22% 5D & include_headers = false & locale = it_IT & method = get & pretty = 0 & suppress_http_code = 1
Data that can be stolen includes session cookies, access tokens, account ids, promotional email addresses, related pages, credit card information (numbers, expiration dates), PayPal emails, balances. advertisements, spending limits, etc., are then compiled and sent to the attacker's Command & Control (C2) server.
More seriously, attackers can use these stolen Facebook cookies to access their accounts and use them to create their own malicious advertising campaigns.
This Trojan is silently executed and performs all its actions in the background, so users will not know that they have become victims of malicious code. Facebook has not yet commented on the incident.