Download Tormentor X Punisher and play guide on PC

Here's how to download Tormentor X Punisher, along with an introduction and instructions for playing Tormentor X Punisher on your computer.

Tormentor X Punisher is a free game with a blockbuster World War Z and Figment on Epic Games. This game belongs to the genre of shooter from top to bottom. You will alone or with your teammates against the demons summoned from hell.

The look is quite simple but this game brings high entertainment to help players release stress. The gameplay is not complicated, but requires the player to be quick on the eyes a bit if he does not want to die early.

If you haven't downloaded Tormentor X Punisher to your computer, follow the instructions below to download free Tormentor X Punisher on your PC.

How to download Tormentor X Punisher on computer

Step 1: Download Epic Games at the link below and install, then boot up and select Store > Tormentor X Punisher.

Download Epic Games for PC :

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If you can't see the Tormentor Punisher in the Store, go to the search toolbar in the upper right corner and look for the game's name.

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Click Continue.

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Step 2: Click Get to get the game, when the word Owned appears, you have already downloaded the game.

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Step 3: Now go to Librar again and you will see Tormentor X Punisher, click on it to install Tormentor Punisher.

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Check I have read . and click Accept to agree with Epic Games' privacy policy and terms.

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Step 4: In this step, you can click Browse to change the folder containing the game if it is not convenient to drive C. Then click Install .

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The size of the game is quite light so the download time will not be long. You just need to wait a bit for Epic Games to download Tormentor X Punisher to your computer. The game will open in its entirety when the download is complete, click on Launch to run the game.

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In the game you just press Start to start playing.

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The scroll key will be the familiar four WSAD keys like shooter games like PUBG Mobile, Call Of Duty .

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Enter the game if you die you will be named your character. Along with that is the score you earned in that round.

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In addition to the demons, you will also have to confront other obstacles in the game.

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And the highlight is the bosses that suddenly appear in the game. Each time they appear, there will be a warning sign that a circle with a star skull inside.

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The gameplay is simple but entertaining, the capacity and configuration are not too heavy to own. Tormentor X Punisher will definitely help you relieve stress after study or stressful working hours.

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