Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released?

On the occasion of Ubisoft opening Far Cry 5 to gamers playing for free on Uplay, let's get a game to try and think about who will succeed it in the future: Far Cry 6.

On the occasion of Ubisoft opening Far Cry 5 to gamers playing for free on Uplay, let's get a game to try and think about who will succeed it in the future: Far Cry 6.

After Far Cry 5 and the spin-off version of Far Cry New Dawn were released, fans of this realistic and surreal shooter series are looking forward to the release of a new version. Based on the leaked information and what Ubisoft has confirmed recently, I would boldly say that the next Far Cry title - most likely titled Far Cry 6 in the series' tradition - will be released. onion within a year.

Specifically, when will Far Cry 6 debut?

Earlier this year, Ubisoft confirmed that in the 2021 financial year (from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021), they plan to release five AAA titles. Three of them were confirmed right from the start: Watch Dogs Legion, Gods and Monsters, Rainbow Six Quarantine. The other two games were not announced, but Jason Schreier - one of the gaming industry's most accurate sources - has revealed the remaining two titles are the new version of Assassin's Creed and the new Far Cry.

Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released? Picture 1Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released? Picture 1

The latest Far Cry is Far Cry New Dawn released in 2019.

We now know that what Jason Schreier said is 50% true - Assassin's Creed Valhalla was announced by Ubisoft and the release date has been set somewhere in 2020. As such, the probability is not low. The remaining 50% is also true, that the new Far Cry (temporarily called Far Cry 6) will be released also in fiscal 2021.

Based on the release date of the three most recent versions, Far Cry Primal, Far Cry 5, Far Cry New Dawn, it is likely that Far Cry 6 will be released around February or March 2021 to avoid having to 'crash'. degrees' with too many great games during the year-end holiday.

The return of Vaas Montenegro?

In April, the actor who played Vaas Montenegro in Far Cry 3, Michael Mando, held a Q&A on Reddit. When asked about Vaas's role in Far Cry 3, Mando revealed that his role helped him to be recognized in real life, and did not forget to say that he would 'return to Vaas soon.'

I don't need to talk about the Faras fanatic level of Va Far fans. This crazy criminal earned a huge fan base with crazy performances and the 'definition of crazy' monologue. yourself. Although Vaas seems to have died in Far Cry 3, Ubisoft can still exploit this character image through other methods such as a game for you to play Vaas in the past, or revive him in a way. some kind of heart on the right or an illusion .

Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released? Picture 2Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released? Picture 2
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Where is the game context?

Because Ubisoft has not completely confirmed the existence of Far Cry 6, we can only predict and hear through unreliable rumors, such as . dinosaur island. However, this is probably just a speculation, not a rumor, because in Mem's memory, Ubisoft in 2015 once launched a poll for Far Cry fans to find the three most interesting settings for the like the future Far Cry. That list includes many different options:

  1. Alaska, survive the fierce natural conditions.
  2. Background the future on a strange planet.
  3. Old forests where Peruvian gangs transport drugs.
  4. Vampire (Vampire).
  5. Western Western America in the late 19th century.
  6. Zombie.
  7. Blood Dragon 2 and the return of Rex Power Colt.
  8. Post-apocalyptic Mad Max style.
  9. Dinosaur Island in modern times.
  10. Shangri-La City.

Apart from Alaska, which is quite realistic, the other contexts on this list all show that Ubisoft is not afraid to explore unfamiliar topics that are different from usual. The results of the poll are unknown, but it seems that the Peruvian scene has been transformed into Bolivia in Ghost Recon Wildlands, while the other contexts were done with the Far Cry 5 DLCs.

Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released? Picture 3Ubisoft opened Far Cry 5 for free, and Far Cry 6 never released? Picture 3

If actor Michael Mando's joke is true, it is highly likely that Far Cry 6 will not use any of these options, but will continue to choose the real world, but it is hard to tell. Where will the point be? Vaas was originally a resident of Rook Island and didn't have much details about his past before the events in Far Cry 3 in 2012. At this time, Vaas is only 27 years old.

However, we have another clue that Vaas is recruited by an international trafficking boss, Hoyt, so Vaas's life can be turned into an adventure with elements of piracy or crime. nation. But when it comes to modern transnational criminal organizations, we have a new horizon to exploit from the pirate cities hidden throughout the Pacific to the wars between the smuggling gangs in the jungle. . But all that imagination needs to wait for Ubisoft to confirm first.

Maybe we will hear Ubisoft confirm the existence of Far Cry 6 in July at the Ubisoft Forward event they hosted to replace E3 2020. This is an online event that will start at 2am on the morning. 7/13/2020 Vietnamese time.


Although Far Cry 6 is still quite far away, readers of the game can temporarily satisfy their craving for Far Cry 5. At the time this article was published, Far Cry 5 was being offered a free trial by Ubisoft. on Uplay between May 29 and May 31. Accompanied by other game packages of the Far Cry series also have a big discount. This is a great opportunity for gamers to visit Hope County of Montana, see the wonderful natural scenery, cuddle the smart Boomer dog and the 'bishop' Joseph Joseph.

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