Decode the strange phenomenon: the egg is nest in the egg

Egg-nosed eggs are the phenomenon of chicken eggs containing other intact eggs inside.

Egg-nosed eggs are the phenomenon of chicken eggs containing other intact eggs inside.

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Recently, Gary a farmer in Texas, USA discovered an egg twice the size of other normal eggs on his farm. Gary turned back to the beating scene and was amazed and delighted to find another complete egg inside.

Why is egg egg phenomenon?

This is a rare phenomenon. Normally, the ovary releases oocyte - the part becomes yolk, then at the fallopian tubes the layer will continue to be completed to become a complete egg. But due to the abnormal activity of the ovary, when the first egg has not yet laid out, another oocyte has been released.

Decode the strange phenomenon: the egg is nest in the egg Picture 1Decode the strange phenomenon: the egg is nest in the egg Picture 1

At that time, if there is an unexpected effect that stimulates the nervous system, panic chickens will lead to sudden contractions.

This makes the first egg after being completed not laid out but will be reversed, returning to the egg production site. Along with the early release of oocyte, a newly formed egg contains another yolk and egg inside.

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