AND 'điều kiện 2'
OR 'điều kiện n';
Condition 1, Condition 2 . Condition n
Conditions are evaluated to determine if the record is selected.
For example - SELECT command
FROM nhanvien
WHERE (ho = 'Anderson' AND ten = 'Sarah')
OR (nhanvien_id = 75);
This command will return all employees with the last name Anderson and the name Sarah or have ID 75. Parentheses determine the order in which the conditions are executed.
SELECT nhanvien_id, ho, ten
FROM nhanvien
WHERE (ho = 'Smith')
OR (ho = 'Anderson' AND ten = 'Sarah')
OR (nhanvien_id > 1000 AND ba
ng = 'California');
In this example, the result returns the employee ID, the last name and the first name if that person is Smith; or they are Anderson and his name is Sarah; or employee ID greater than 1000 and state is California.
Example - INSERT command
(ho, ten)
SELECT ho, ten
FROM nhanvien
WHERE (ho = 'Johnson' OR ho = 'Anderson')
AND nhanvien_id > 54;
This example will insert into the list all the values of the family name and name from those who have the last name Johnson or Anderson and whose ID is greater than 54
Example - UPDATE command
UPDATE nhanvien
SET ho = 'TBD'
WHERE nhanvien_id <= 2000
AND (bang = 'California' OR bang = 'Arizona');
In this order, the employee's surname will be updated to TBD if the employee ID is less than or equal to 2000 and lives in California or Arizona.
Example - DELETE command
DELETE FROM nhanvien
WHERE bang = 'California'
AND (ho = 'Johnson' OR ten = 'Joe');
In this example, the combination of the AND and OR conditions in the DELETE command will delete all records in the table if the state value is California and the employee has the last name Johnson or the name Joe.
Previous article: OR conditions in SQL Server
Next lesson: DISTINCT clause in SQL Server