After donating, how will your body be processed?

Choosing to donate the body to science can ensure a person can still contribute to society even after death. The bodies of donors will be preserved for use in anatomical studies or to train doctors in medical schools.

Choosing to donate the body to science can ensure a person can still contribute to society even after death. The bodies of donors will be preserved for use in anatomical studies or to train doctors in medical schools.

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After donating, how will your body be processed? Picture 1After donating, how will your body be processed? Picture 1
After embalming the body, the body can last for about 6 years.(Photo:

A donor of internal organs (including kidneys, hearts, pancreas, lungs, intestines, corneas, skin, .) and his tissues can save or improve the lives of 50 others .

Today, although there are many new teaching methods by modeling and 3D simulation, medical students still have to practice on real bodies. All surgeons from cosmetologists to cardiologists must learn and practice surgical techniques on the corpse.

When the donor dies, their body will be examined and evaluated to see if it can be used for scientific purposes. Potential donors must be at least 18 years of age, have good bodies and minds. The body was transferred to a morgue technician within 24-48 hours after death.

The bodies of malnourished people, obesity, jaundice, dementia, bowel cancer, stomach cancer and those undergoing chemotherapy are often not used for scientific purposes.

After donating, how will your body be processed? Picture 2After donating, how will your body be processed? Picture 2
A donor's hand has been preserved in chemicals since the 1980s. (Photo: Vice.)

With potential bodies, first, the technician takes a large sample of blood from the left ventricle to check the pathology of the dead. After that, the body was bathed clean, shaved hair and hair before carrying embalmed.

It takes 6-9 months to complete the chemical reactions of embalming and about 1-3 months to dissect the body. After mummification, the body can survive for at least 6 years.

After donating, how will your body be processed? Picture 3After donating, how will your body be processed? Picture 3
After the study, the body will be taken to cremation.(Photo:

After the studies were completed, the body was taken to cremation as required by the Australian Implant and Anatomy Act of 1978. If the body was buried in the soil, the embalming substance could penetrate into the soil and polluting the environment.

(Video: Farnaz Khatibi Jafari.)

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