China launched BIGAI, surprising the world

The Beijing Institute of General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI) has developed a virtual AI girl named Tong Tong or Little Girl.

The Beijing Institute of General Artificial Intelligence (BIGAI) has developed a virtual AI girl named Tong Tong or Little Girl.

China launched BIGAI, surprising the world Picture 1China launched BIGAI, surprising the world Picture 1

Tong Tong - considered the world's first AI child - exhibits behavior and abilities similar to a 3 or 4 year old child, understanding and reacting to human intentions. This AI girl can automatically clean the room, automatically fix warped photo frames, find towels and clean up when she sees liquid spills.

In particular, Tong Tong has the ability to independently assign tasks to itself, making a difference compared to large language AI models such as OpenAI's ChatGPT or Google's Bard. This AI girl has her own emotions, intelligence, self-learning ability and especially self-control, something never seen in virtual entities before.

 To achieve the goal, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - where a machine can think and reason like a human, needs to change the 'parrot model' - said Zhu Songchun, president of BIGAI. imitation through training, repeated training and transformation into a 'crow model' with independent reasoning behavior and advanced intelligence driven by values, cause and effect .

The AI ​​baby is an important achievement that marks an important step in the research on artificial general intelligence of the Beijing Institute of General Artificial Intelligence Research over the past two years. With advances in the field of artificial intelligence, "AI girls" like Tong Tong will become more popular in the future.

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