Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet?

If you have a variety of vehicle options, please prioritize the vehicles in here to get better.

When running in PUBG Mobile, when you're about to get close, many people will jump to a nearby car and drive into a safe area. And because of the rush, many gamers who are unfamiliar or new players will not be able to control them well, because at that time we do not follow the asphalt roads, most of them will creep up the hills, and there are many ways. It doesn't work well.

Not to mention the enemy's resistance, so now you will need the best optimization means in the running. So now you will have to make choices for your running journey. Here are the best media options you can choose when running on maps.

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PUBG Mobile: Combining the best media in the game

Pickup Trucks

Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 1Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 1

  1. Map: Miramar
  2. Seating: 4 people
  3. Maximum speed: 110km / h

If you meet this car while running in Miramar, it is true that the drought meets a rain. This car creates a sense of security for the occupants above when the rear is fitted with a roof and not a truck type. Moreover, it can move in many types of terrain without problems.

Although it has a slower speed than some other means, in return, the cattle will be slightly higher. If you get into the core areas of the map, this is the means you should choose, because then there will be an ambush enemy available in these areas to attack.


Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 2Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 2

  1. Map: Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi
  2. Seating: 4 people
  3. Maximum speed: 139km / h

Another 4-seater car that can appear on every map and has the fastest speed in the game. This car has an average speed of 110km / h and burns little fuel, but it is not appropriate to use it to climb hills.

Dacia only runs well on the road, if you try to climb the mountain, the car will move very slowly, even if it is too steep, it may not climb even when boosted. At that time, if any enemy passes by, the probability of you surviving will be very low. Moreover, if you try to sit in the car, the durability of the car cannot protect you at that time.

However, if running the field, the noise level of the car will be very low, the enemy will be difficult to detect. So Dacia is only suitable for running school paths.


Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 3Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 3

  1. Map: Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi
  2. Seating: 4 people
  3. Maximum speed: 130km / h

UAZ is the only means in PUBG Mobile that currently has two versions, one is the regular version and the armored version. UAZ version usually you can search any roadside in all 4 maps.

UAZ has an advantage over Dacia in that this car is a bit more hill climbed, plus its buffering level makes gamers sitting inside feel safe. Also, when you can see which enemy in front of you can boost up to hit it directly, the enemy will die without yawning.

Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 4Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 4

In the UAZ armored version, the design is not much different than that it is carefully armored to provide additional support. However, in order to own this vehicle, you must have Flare Gun, stand outside the white board and shoot Flare Gun, then wait a bit and you'll see "heaven".


Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 5Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 5

  1. Map: Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok
  2. Seat: 2 people
  3. Maximum speed: 100km / h

Buggy's disadvantage is that it is impossible to shield the player in the car and only carry 2 people. But its advantage is climbing most types of terrain and easy to drive, furthermore, the high acceleration will help gamers to run quite well when it can run smoothly in the road and even the mountains. . However, the person in the back seat will not be relieved if ambushed while moving.


Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 6Best media aggregation in PUBG Mobile and things you don't know yet? Picture 6

  1. Map: Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok
  2. Seat: 2 people
  3. Maximum speed: 152km / h

If you have to choose between a motorbike and a car, most players will choose to use a car. Partly because it is safer, partly because there are more seats and especially not losing blood because of the tumultuous phase while in mountainous terrain, especially with the people behind.

But motorbikes also have their own advantages without any means. The first is that it possesses the fastest speed in this ranking, besides if ambushed, the enemy is also hard to hit because the motorcyclists are small and move quickly so the enemy is equipped even with their teeth. It is impossible to detonate a running motorbike on the road.

However, there are only two base seats that are sometimes used in Duo mode, but if you play Squad and all 4 live, you have to make two to run. In addition to the main version, Motorcycle also has a version of Motorcycle-W with 3 wheels, added by a teammate to support the side. However, this car is rarely used because it is difficult to control, speed is slower than Motorcycle and it is very easy to flip.

If you are running, you should pay attention to these vehicles on the road, if you have a choice, please prioritize these vehicles.

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